NX二次开发源码分享: 如何获取装配导航器上PMI的节点名称
NX二次开发源码分享: 如何获取装配导航器上PMI的节点名称
NX 目前没有想过方法,需要借助 KF 函数
// There is no direct way to get the name that is shown for the PMI object
// in the Part Navigator.See ER 7961161.
// This method uses a Check-Mate function then parses the output to format it
// so that it matches what is shown there in most cases.
private static string get_pmi_part_navigator_name(NXOpen.Annotations.Pmi thePmi)
string ruleName;
theUFSession.Cfi.GetUniqueFilename(out ruleName);
workPart.RuleManager.CreateDynamicRule("root:", ruleName,
"Any", "mqc_askPMIObjectsInformation({" + thePmi.Tag + "});", "");
string theValue = workPart.RuleManager.EvaluateAnyAsString(ruleName + ":");
workPart.RuleManager.DeleteDynamicRule("root:", ruleName);
string[] infos = theValue.Split(new Char[]{','});
string theName = (infos.Trim().Trim(new Char[]{'"'}) +
"(" + infos.Trim() + ")").Replace("PMI ", "");
return theName;