【PLM之家NX10.0制图新功能】2 边界和区域增强功能
【PLM之家NX10.0制图新功能】2 边界和区域增强功能◦Controlthe appearance and position of line center marks and arrow head center marks◦Set the style and appearance of thetrimming marks. You can choose to display a right-angled isosceles triangletrimming mark or a corner trimming mark.◦Display the drawing sheet size in placeof the zone label in the lower right corner of the drawing border.◦Specify the letters that cannot be usedin a zone label.◦Specify whether or not zone numbers cancontinue on subsequent drawing sheets. ◦Set margin values used to locate thedrawing border within trimmed and untrimmed drawing sheets.
2 边界和区域增强功能<br>回复可见<br><br><div><br></div><div>**** Hidden Message *****</div> 视频在哪呢 马达加斯加的企鹅 谢谢分享………… 不错,学习下 大哥,声音小的根本听不见呀。 学习一下,谢谢
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