开始玩NX的 机电一体化Mechatronics Concept Designer (MCD)
开始玩NX的 机电一体化Mechatronics Concept Designer (MCD)Mechatronics Concept Designer is an application that you use to interactively design and simulate the complex motion of electromechanical systems. It supports the early machine design phase that provides the basic machine concept, including the mechanical, electrical, fluid, and automation aspects. It is a solution that transforms the machine creation process into an efficient mechatronics design approach.
陆续会把案例和视频发上来,让大家先学习下工业4.0 吧
老师 带领我们尝尝鲜哈哈哈 啥时候发上来学习学习 哈哈,不错,学习下 太好了,先看看,再学习! 等待老师的新课程!!! 学习一下! 很厉害的功能,实时模拟是以后机电一体化发展的方向