【PLM之家Process Simulation 基础培训】 1.1.1 基本理论和目的
【PLM之家Process Simulation 基础培训】 1.1.1 基本理论和目的主要讲解Process Simulation方法论和关于仿真,工艺仿真等相关理论知识。
eBOP isan electronic bill of process. It is made up of four primary objects: Product,Operations, Resources, and Manufacturing Features.•Product - refers to the object that isproduced from the manufacturing process described in the eBOP.
•Operations - refers to the sequence of stepsthat is performed to produce the product.
•Resources - refers to the objects such asmachines, tools, and workers--within a manufacturing plant--that performs theoperations to produce the product.
•Manufacturing Features -Manufacturing features are used to represent special relationships betweenseveral parts. Some examples of manufacturing features are robotic paths movingalong a part such as painting or arc-welding, weld spots and datums.
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