【PLM之家-NX9.0二次开发实例视频】13 Block UI对话框创建
【PLM之家-NX9.0二次开发实例视频】13 Block UI对话框创建新的Block UI无论从界面和使用上,都非常的高效美观,调用控件方便快捷。具体的好处,我就不翻译了!
Block UI Styler is an application that NX users and third-party developers can use to interactively build dialog boxes that are consistent with the NX block-based user interface. A block is a reusable component of a dialog box, such as a text box, a list box, an option list, and so on. A group is a frame in a dialog box that encloses related blocks of options.
When you use Block UI Styler, you can:
•Reduce development time.
•Enable rapid prototyping because of the visual builder and automatic file generation.
•Build NX dialog boxes to preset standards.
•Maintain compatibility with MenuScript.
•Launch Block UI Styler dialog boxes from a MenuScript menubar.
The Block UI Styler enables you to build dialogs that contain localized text. However, this requires that the user's operating system environment is setup in the proper locale that supports the desired language.
The Block UI Styler interface displays the programmable strings related directly to the UI block. Strings such as “Value” are used to update the block’s string value as supported by the NXOpen API. As an example, AString.getproperties.SetString("Value", myString) indicates that the value should be updated to the contents of myString since it utilizes the “Value” property id. This property id is displayed in the property editor as well (1st column) so that developers are aware of the correct id.
Therefore, these strings along with their associated values are intentionally designed to be displayed in English strings only. All columns of the property editor are displayed in English with the exception of the categorical group names. The user may enter localized strings as values to the properties of type UtfString or UtfStrings.
The first column of the object browser is also intentionally displayed in English.
PLM之家NX9.0二次开发视频教程 13 新的Block UI对话框设计
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