Aras Innovator 最简易-最成功的安装步骤
Aras Innovator 最简易-最成功的安装步骤
1. Web Server (Internet Information Services, or IIS)2. Database Server (Microsoft SQL Server, full or express)3. File Server
首先看看IIS的配置,服务器端和 Windows10的不太一样,但是勾选项目需要明确一致,否则你可能会出现500/502 错误
a. Web Serveri. Common HTTP Features1. Default Document2. Directory Browsing3. HTTP Errors4. Static Contentii. Health and Diagnostics1. HTTP Logging2. Request Monitor – Useful for troubleshooting a slow or unresponsive IIS worker process, as it allows you to capture information about the HTTP requests executing in a given process.iii. Performance1. Static Content Compressioniv. Security1. Request Filtering2. Windows Authentication v. Application Development1. .NET Extensibility 3.5 (if you chose to install .NET Framework 3.5 above)2. .NET Extensibility 4.53. ASP.NET 3.5 (if you chose to install .NET Framework 3.5 above) – If prompted, choose to add all features required to enable this service)4. ASP.NET 4.5 – If prompted, choose to enable all features required to enable this service)5. ISAPI Extensions6. ISAPI Filtersb. Management Tools i. IIS Management Consoleii. IIS Management Scripts and Toolsiii. Management Service (check this only if you want to be able to remotely manage IIS without having to log into the server itself
Windows10 案例