mildcat 发表于 2016-1-31 14:13:15


Action handlers
•EPM-create-status and EPM-set-status
◦The EPM-create-status handler creates a status object and attaches it to the root task.
◦The EPM-set-status handler applies the appropriate status objects to the target objects.
Automatically assigns signoff reviewers that meet specified user, group, or role criteria for the specified Review task. This criteria populates the signoff profiles.
Displays a password box in the perform dialog box or pane of the task within which it has been placed.
•EPM-demote and EPM-demote-on-reject
The EPM-demote handler clears all signoff decisions from the current and previous Review tasks. An optional argument allows the user to specify the task name that the process is demoted to.
The EPM-demote-on-reject handler demotes the current task to the previous task or to the task specified on the -level argument of the demote handler placed on the Undo action of the current task.
Attaches the specified related objects of the target objects as target/reference attachments to the process. This handler searches all target objects, finds the secondary objects with the specified relation and type (if specified), then adds them as target/reference attachments.

Rule handlers
Verifies that all target objects in this process are checked in.
•EPM-disallow-adding-targets and EPM-disallow-removing-targets
The first handler disallows adding targets after a process is initiated. A switch can be used to specify the types of objects to be excluded. The EPM-disallow-removing-targets handler prevents targets from being removed from a process after the process is started

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查看完整版本: teamcenter中比较常用的一些handler说明