Catia二次开发源码分享: 对面进行颜色修改和添加属性
<p></p><div>Catia二次开发源码分享: 对面进行颜色修改和添加属性</div></p>//
// 3- Loads the input document
CATDocument *pDoc = NULL;
rc= CATDocumentServices::OpenDocument(iArgv, pDoc) ;
if( FAILED(rc) )
cout <<"Error in opening the document: " << iArgv << endl ;
return 1;
cout <<" " << iArgv << " is opened" << endl;
CATInit *pDocAsInit = NULL;
rc= pDoc->QueryInterface(IID_CATInit, (void**)&pDocAsInit) ;
if( FAILED(rc) )
cout << "Error, the document does not implement CATInit"<< endl;
return 1;
// 4- Gets root container of the document
CATIPrtContainer *pSpecContainer = NULL ;
pSpecContainer = (CATIPrtContainer*)pDocAsInit->GetRootContainer("CATIPrtContainer");
pDocAsInit = NULL ;
if( NULL == pSpecContainer )
cout <<"Error, the root container is NULL" << endl;
return 1;
// 5- Retrieves the MechanicalPart of the document
CATIPrtPart_var spPart ( pSpecContainer->GetPart() );
if ( NULL_var == spPart )
cout <<"Error, the MechanicalPart is NULL" << endl;
return 1;
pSpecContainer = NULL ;
//6 - Retrieves BRepAccess of all faces
//6 - 1 Retrieving the feature holding the result of the main body
//get the part
CATBaseUnknown_var spMainPartBody ;
CATLISTV(CATBaseUnknown_var) ListResult ;
CATIPartRequest_var spPartRequest = spPart ;
if ( NULL_var == spPartRequest )
cout <<"Error on CATIPartRequest" << endl;
return 1;
//get the main tool
rc = spPartRequest->GetMainBody("",spMainPartBody);
if ( FAILED(rc) || ( NULL_var == spMainPartBody) )
cout <<"Error with GetMainBody" << endl;
return 1;
//get its associated body
CATIBodyRequest_var spMainPartBodyRequest = spMainPartBody;
if ( NULL_var == spMainPartBodyRequest )
cout <<"Error, spMainPartBodyRequest is NULL" << endl;
return 1;
//Retrieves the feature holding the result of the main body
//It's the first element of the list returned by GetResults (CAA documentation)
rc = spMainPartBodyRequest->GetResults( "", ListResult) ;
if (!SUCCEEDED(rc) || 0>= ListResult.Size())
cout <<"Error with GetResults" << endl;
return 1;
CATIGeometricalElement_var spFeatureResultGeomElem = ListResult;
if ( NULL_var == spFeatureResultGeomElem )
cout <<"Error, spFeatureResultGeomElem is NULL" << endl;
return 1;
//retrieves its shape
CATIShapeFeatureBody_var shapefeat = spFeatureResultGeomElem;
if ( NULL_var == shapefeat )
cout <<"Error, the Shape Feature is NULL" << endl;
return 1;
//retrieves the feature associated to the BodyOUT
CATISpecObject_var FeatureSolid = shapefeat->GetResultOUT();
if ( NULL_var == FeatureSolid )
cout <<"Error, the Feature Solid is NULL" << endl;
return 1;
//6 - 2 retrieving its associated geometry
CATIMfGeometryAccess_var geoAccess = FeatureSolid;
if (NULL_var == geoAccess)
cout <<"Error, the geometry access is NULL" << endl;
return 1;
//6 - 3 retrieving BRepAccess from geometry
CATLISTV(CATBaseUnknown_var) breps;
int nbfaces = geoAccess -> GetBReps(breps);
if (0 == nbfaces)
cout<<"Error, there is no face associated to the geometry"<<endl;
return 1;
CATLISTP(CATIBRepAccess) ListBreps;
CATIBRepAccess * Brep = NULL;
CATBaseUnknown * Unk = NULL;
int compt = 1;
for(; compt <= nbfaces; compt++)
Unk = breps;
Brep = (CATIBRepAccess * )Unk;
if (NULL != Brep)
nbfaces = ListBreps.Size();
if (0 == nbfaces)
cout<<"Error, there is no face in the BRepAccess List"<<endl;
return 1;
cout<<"There is(are) "<<nbfaces<<" face(s) on the part"<<endl;
//7 - retrieving and displaying current faces colors
cout<<"Retrieving current colors"<<endl;
CATListOfInt retrieveRed,retrieveGreen,retrieveBlue;
rc = CATMmrApplicativeAttributes::GetColorsOnFaces( ListBreps, retrieveRed,retrieveGreen,retrieveBlue);
if (E_FAIL == rc )
cout<<"Error, an error occured while retrieving current part colors"<<endl;
return 1;
for (compt =1;compt<=nbfaces;compt++)
cout<<"for the "<<compt<<" face, associated color components are : R "<<retrieveRed<<" G "<<retrieveGreen<<" B "<<retrieveBlue<<endl;
//8 - Setting a new Color on all faces
//we are to color the faces with different color according their position : three by three will have the same color
cout<<"Setting new colors"<<endl;
CATListOfInt newRed,newGreen,newBlue,FailedIndex;
int x=0;
for (compt = 1;compt<= nbfaces;compt++)
x = compt%3;
int red(0),green(0),blue(0);
if (1 == x)
red = 255;
if (2 == x)
green = 255;
if (0 == x)
blue = 255;
newBlue.Append (blue);
cout<<"Setting R "<<red<<" G "<<green<<" B "<<blue<<" on the "<<compt<<" face"<<endl;
rc = CATMmrApplicativeAttributes::SetColorsOnFaces(ListBreps,newRed,newGreen,newBlue,FailedIndex);
if (E_FAIL == rc)
cout<<"Error, setting new color on faces failed for all faces"<<endl;
return 1;
else if (S_FALSE == rc )
int nberrors = FailedIndex.Size();
cout<<"Error, setting new color on faces fails for faces :";
for (compt = 1;compt<= FailedIndex.Size(); compt++)
cout<<" "<<FailedIndex;
cout<<"Colors successfully set on every faces"<<endl;
//9 - retrieving colors we have just set
cout<<"Retrieving new colors"<<endl;
rc = CATMmrApplicativeAttributes::GetColorsOnFaces( ListBreps, retrieveRed,retrieveGreen,retrieveBlue);
if (E_FAIL == rc )
cout<<"Error, an error occured while retrieving current part colors"<<endl;
return 1;
for (compt =1;compt<=nbfaces;compt++)
cout<<"for the "<<compt<<" face, associated color components are : R "<<retrieveRed<<" G "<<retrieveGreen<<" B "<<retrieveBlue<<endl;
//10 - Setting Applicative Attributes
//10 - 1 creating new attributes
cout<<"Creating applicative attributes for different faces"<<endl;
CATListOfCATUnicodeString **AttrNameListToSet = new CATListOfCATUnicodeString*;
CATCkeListOfParm *AttrValueListToSet = new CATCkeListOfParm;
CATICkeParmFactory_var factory = CATCkeGlobalFunctions::GetVolatileFactory();
for (compt = 1;compt<= nbfaces;compt++)
cout<<"Creating ";
x = compt%3;
//for each face we create a new list of apllicative attributes
//an applicative attribute is made of a Name and a value
if (1 == x)
AttrNameListToSet = new CATListOfCATUnicodeString (3);
AttrValueListToSet = new CATLISTV(CATBaseUnknown_var)(3);
//The first attribute will be the number of the face
AttrNameListToSet ->Append("FACE_NUMBER");
CATICkeParm_var tempcke1 = factory -> CreateInteger ("FACE_NUMBER",compt);
cout<<" FACE_NUMBER with value "<<compt;
//the second will be the color
AttrNameListToSet ->Append("COLOR");
CATICkeParm_var tempcke2 = factory -> CreateString ("COLOR","Red");
cout<<" COLOR with value Red";
//the third is x
AttrNameListToSet ->Append("X");
CATICkeParm_var tempcke3 = factory -> CreateReal ("X",x);
cout<<" X with value "<<x;
cout<<" for face nb "<<compt<<endl;
//just to show you you can have different size of list
AttrNameListToSet = new CATListOfCATUnicodeString (2);
AttrValueListToSet = new CATLISTV(CATBaseUnknown_var)(2);
//The first attribute will be the number of the face
AttrNameListToSet ->Append("FACE_NUMBER");
CATICkeParm_var tempcke1 = factory -> CreateInteger ("FACE_NUMBER",compt);
cout<<" FACE_NUMBER with value "<<compt;
//the second will be the color
AttrNameListToSet ->Append("COLOR");
if (2 == x)
CATICkeParm_var tempcke2 = factory -> CreateString ("COLOR","Green");
cout<<" COLOR with value Green";
if (0 == x)
CATICkeParm_var tempcke2 = factory -> CreateString ("COLOR","Blue");
cout<<" COLOR with value Blue";
cout<<" on face nb "<<compt<<endl;
//10 - 2 Setting the applicative attributes
cout<<endl<<"Setting applicative attributes on different faces"<<endl;
rc=CATMmrApplicativeAttributes::SetAttributesOnFaces(ListBreps, AttrNameListToSet,AttrValueListToSet,FailedIndex);
if (E_FAIL == rc)
cout<<"Error, we failed to set applicative attributes on all faces"<<endl;
else if (S_FALSE == rc)
int nberrors = FailedIndex.Size();
cout<<"Error, setting applicative attriutes on faces fails for faces :";
for (compt = 1;compt<= FailedIndex.Size(); compt++)
cout<<" "<<FailedIndex;
cout<<"Applicative attributes successfully set"<<endl;
//10 - 3 cleaning
for(compt=1; compt<=nbfaces;compt++)
AttrNameListToSet->RemoveAll(); delete AttrNameListToSet;AttrNameListToSet = NULL;
AttrValueListToSet->RemoveAll();delete AttrValueListToSet; AttrValueListToSet = NULL;
delete [] AttrNameListToSet; AttrNameListToSet = NULL;
delete [] AttrValueListToSet;AttrValueListToSet = NULL;
//11 - Retrieving the applicative attributes we have just set
cout<<"Getting applicative attributes on faces"<<endl;
//11 - 1 Getting attributes
CATListOfCATUnicodeString * AttributNameList = new CATListOfCATUnicodeString;
CATCkeListOfParmAttrValList = new CATListValCATBaseUnknown_var;
rc = CATMmrApplicativeAttributes::GetAttributesOnFaces(ListBreps, AttributNameList, AttrValList );
if (SUCCEEDED(rc))
CATListOfCATUnicodeString templiststring;
CATListValCATBaseUnknown_var tempCke;
for (compt=1;compt<=nbfaces;compt++)
//retrieve a list a position k (arrays start at position zero).
templiststring =(AttributNameList);
tempCke = (AttrValList);
int nbAttributes = templiststring.Size();
int nbValues = tempCke.Size();
//the list must have the same size! If not, we jump to the next face
if (nbAttributes != nbValues)
cout<<"Error on face "<<compt<<" : nbAttributes and nbValues are different"<<endl;
cout<<"For face "<<compt<<" there is(are) "<<nbAttributes<<" attribute(s) that is(are) : "<<endl;
for (int i=1;i<=nbAttributes;i++)
cout<<" - "<<templiststring.ConvertToChar()<<" = "<<((CATICkeParm_var)( tempCke ))->Content().ConvertToChar()<<endl;
else if (E_FAIL == rc)
cout<<"Error, applicative attributes couldn't be retrieved"<<endl;
return 1;
//11 - 2 Cleaning List:
int i = 0;
for(i=0; i < nbfaces;i++)
delete [] AttributNameList; AttributNameList = NULL;
delete [] AttrValList; AttrValList = NULL;
for (i = 1;i<= nbfaces;i++)
Brep = ListBreps ;
if (NULL != Brep)