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Catia二次开发源码分享: 对面进行颜色修改和添加属性


2018-1-10 16:50:30 2988 1

admin 发表于 2018-1-10 16:48:55 |阅读模式

admin 楼主

2018-1-10 16:48:55


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Catia二次开发源码分享: 对面进行颜色修改和添加属性

+ ?" Z. J1 A$ m# E; e; c7 C ! A; u7 Y2 K9 [9 p7 c; P' o6 M; _. l/ |* k5 D" X( G% r6 b4 B . ~8 @7 W9 c0 m' z% P* k# ?& G) r % a4 g2 ~! L4 k, N' y+ E- i' p [mw_shl_code=c,true]// o9 n# u U, m$ r/ P5 ` // 3- Loads the input document 0 I+ Z1 K5 |; Q7 c( W7 f // # t% v- ?$ D( S CATDocument *pDoc = NULL; 9 _: D$ Z: H7 p1 a rc= CATDocumentServices::OpenDocument(iArgv[1], pDoc) ; + b% Z+ d! K3 d. E% y' r$ V2 c4 s- v# P2 ^+ W0 p0 U O V, u9 z @2 D if( FAILED(rc) ) + |: ?* z+ [ U7 w. [% | { ( X, [1 f9 H9 _ cout <<"Error in opening the document: " << iArgv[1] << endl ;! G- d a( q7 g' \+ x* X/ B return 1; ! ]5 m" y1 z9 m2 x3 d# N% }* i: d2 t } ! T1 l' U. ^) n2 L; E' [ cout <<" " << iArgv[1] << " is opened" << endl; 8 Q/ ?8 M( b0 B 4 a6 x. G+ G0 q CATInit *pDocAsInit = NULL;# x: C9 w* t( Z' k& E/ ~' F0 I rc= pDoc->QueryInterface(IID_CATInit, (void**)&pDocAsInit) ;7 p6 l$ C; P4 v if( FAILED(rc) )' i7 b1 |, V: ]$ J" n7 G- H9 H {! F& j6 t- z0 t, X* @0 B cout << "Error, the document does not implement CATInit"<< endl; * l. M( K$ \ m, A( ] return 1;! A. k- X: h9 P }2 v c) b- q7 E" @* Q8 F , d3 F: k& c3 E; V9 U% l // - a4 ~8 v& `7 W" h // 4- Gets root container of the document , K2 @; z w. [ // 6 G. \$ c# Q# Z1 R1 v* f z! M3 j. S( | CATIPrTContainer *pSpecContainer = NULL ;2 |% S& p+ Z% O+ P& k pSpecContainer = (CATIPrtContainer*)pDocAsInit->GetRootContainer("CATIPrtContainer"); ; U: `7 t6 s% f; z; Z3 F j8 s( P/ M2 {3 G pDocAsInit->Release(); 4 m) K4 ^$ K Z) @2 X1 j6 I" ^ pDocAsInit = NULL ;' t' [9 s5 c, g. m u) a! k 3 o" R t1 \- m; K' A/ [! z0 _' \ if( NULL == pSpecContainer ) 7 ^ C; {7 v6 h { * x8 M4 X$ J* ^% s9 B) W cout <<"Error, the root container is NULL" << endl;% e M) t" t4 @- j* C! R return 1;' m) x7 t& }) j# u: { }0 O1 o5 Q2 ^- h( T3 J 5 U; _ M. c, g+ G //) E" ?$ Q- q8 e/ `+ a& P$ E# E$ } // 5- Retrieves the MechanicalPart of the document- ]. H ~% }6 e- \; t+ n //1 Z+ v7 {9 U, ?' F/ w* t CATIPrtPart_var spPart ( pSpecContainer->GetPart() ); * v' g$ z. }1 B if ( NULL_var == spPart )/ c& M2 s/ I7 _* \( F; r: ^ { $ O& f; l5 c" m, T cout <<"Error, the MechanicalPart is NULL" << endl; % `* d1 T# _8 G9 v- A return 1; & V$ f( }, |3 S7 I$ i+ a9 H } 1 w9 R: {8 v7 P" h1 u3 z/ p2 }" O, j; V pSpecContainer->Release();4 n) T: i6 ^, v1 K" a9 V7 {/ C% U: j: p pSpecContainer = NULL ;7 _5 }1 o5 A* N: R0 b5 U! N 6 X5 h- o" r4 e# b) G' R* t: h. Y# } //* I/ S! ?: |: F //6 - Retrieves BRepAccess of all faces1 r2 c! v; x$ m, r$ P7 u2 e //2 {* ` ]6 }7 V: Y! u* b$ N 5 y" A: P' t- v. h //6 - 1 Retrieving the feature holding the result of the main body* M; l1 @, t. Y/ a0 s4 N, R //2 ^% I: X3 H$ `$ g* B! n //get the part( i; x- e* P' a6 j+ Y: ] CATBaseUnknown_var spMainPartBody ; 3 e L0 g+ r3 Z- T( e. \ CATLISTV(CATBaseUnknown_var) ListResult ; $ H3 s0 c$ ?+ i, D3 w : Q2 b |: z; S. y. K' z CATIPartRequest_var spPartRequest = spPart ;' ^3 F4 Q: o, U! Z if ( NULL_var == spPartRequest ) ; z. Y1 t( q! p8 w {' R9 F" f) E0 Q7 N; t; f% D cout <<"Error on CATIPartRequest" << endl; / h+ h2 p' G8 \6 i/ L; ~ return 1;* X" b, m9 G# N1 j9 ]9 ]: e5 ^: P } ! S0 x& k$ s7 D* p4 r: c2 D 9 e% M# d9 E: D6 Z p3 H' ~6 s* } //get the main tool 0 ~4 c1 @6 }, I* x/ F rc = spPartRequest->GetMainBody("",spMainPartBody);% B4 J6 [: B4 t9 v$ `( \ if ( FAILED(rc) || ( NULL_var == spMainPartBody) )) y4 T, t5 h* c# n {, `4 D! t( I* y4 T$ y cout <<"Error with GetMainBody" << endl;7 ^0 }( q3 \- D/ F" |& K" V return 1; 9 L/ O* m* D: X$ T6 f5 x } * b* }- \# x: j" A S/ t6 o9 q3 \ + b. S% Y& v& a //get its associated body7 W7 u+ E G. [) Z @2 [ CATIBodyRequest_var spMainPartBodyRequest = spMainPartBody; b6 b$ Z+ U8 W' u8 ^ if ( NULL_var == spMainPartBodyRequest ), n- s" u7 e$ n7 h! i: P+ M% [$ X {2 K% U p: W9 ~ cout <<"Error, spMainPartBodyRequest is NULL" << endl; ! D- \0 U, i ^/ ]; U8 S return 1;+ M. A! S! k$ O }* n( ?" w, N3 D9 ^ 2 ~ B }$ o) S; [ //Retrieves the feature holding the result of the main body 7 q2 S; V2 l F+ c //It's the first element of the list returned by GetResults (CAA documentation): d# o+ J$ y! @6 I3 J rc = spMainPartBodyRequest->GetResults( "", ListResult) ;0 A0 v" c+ F- J1 z if (!SUCCEEDED(rc) || 0>= ListResult.Size()) + V8 w& J0 A& u" B { 4 W Y) D; I9 ^ cout <<"Error with GetResults" << endl; % |0 E: u- m( e9 T% Z+ s return 1; k. J. f1 \# Q2 ] D [# g8 b } 1 m( @6 V6 S. s / ^, I' p$ F4 c CATIGeometricalElement_var spFeatureResultGeomElem = ListResult[1];9 ] }5 Q- k. c if ( NULL_var == spFeatureResultGeomElem )# S* |: K/ [6 k9 Q9 m* y/ ] { 6 G& K) z" ?. j9 C) d" P cout <<"Error, spFeatureResultGeomElem is NULL" << endl; 7 v8 [+ C P% ]4 n/ t return 1;3 w5 E* d3 b5 d0 j3 @" t* [ } 7 G4 G! V* i* c* D T/ J, l! c# s2 G% u, |0 P* @ //retrieves its shape % q3 S2 v/ ]; E J- g3 x1 G CATIShapeFeatureBody_var shapefeat = spFeatureResultGeomElem;* y1 r4 h9 }# U$ J$ D& f+ _7 H if ( NULL_var == shapefeat )* b' E( n k O+ X0 H6 G' \ {" | C* w' G A; q# `7 ~0 x cout <<"Error, the Shape Feature is NULL" << endl;+ x0 p. V0 B3 a return 1;5 D" M* n# T5 ^" n5 k8 D } Q) x4 c d& y. H1 | 0 U9 e6 o+ R5 Y+ U8 S //retrieves the feature associated to the BodyOUT & u* \" W& `% ?6 g6 _$ ? CATISpecObject_var FeatureSolid = shapefeat->GetResultOUT(); - p, n& u( }7 Q, p8 A8 ` if ( NULL_var == FeatureSolid )2 j' y1 L; I! [! g { / {2 @, |: m! z! N cout <<"Error, the Feature Solid is NULL" << endl;1 n6 E$ ]& \, }" M/ D return 1; . I0 I" }& a: ?$ Y$ i }6 y/ T, v! h% b- J & P/ B0 A. A4 x; h1 k. v ) Q6 Q( U% i! X; n //6 - 2 retrieving its associated geometry 5 Z6 \: J( S7 z n // $ Z( i/ m& G7 F$ L6 f$ u5 K, O6 y7 W+ Z; w0 ^ CATIMfGeometryAccess_var geoAccess = FeatureSolid; 4 M2 c) z0 a2 Q% S+ P) D if (NULL_var == geoAccess)0 e" s) |+ F9 v {0 x g3 E( ]' S3 b% \ cout <<"Error, the geometry access is NULL" << endl;' S! M9 y# x. I7 H# p; |; w return 1;+ f3 G; m5 _5 G) S$ X+ ^9 P/ p }) A8 w, o- r& k- K8 y . g9 N4 M: @4 W# ?3 ~6 t //6 - 3 retrieving BRepAccess from geometry- L% v! d6 {5 d* X) p //& ^) K% }, R) a' M# Y4 Y# S _' a8 [ CATLISTV(CATBaseUnknown_var) breps;+ a) O+ ~) U' ^$ M int nbfaces = geoAccess -> GetBReps(breps); ' a4 Z( {7 W9 v8 c if (0 == nbfaces). U! ^7 v0 @% I* v6 Y {- E6 h& W' c/ y9 c% V) @4 g cout<<"Error, there is no face associated to the geometry"<" d8 y& y) T m4 y' V6 Y- ` return 1;" B1 t3 |; E ?' `. V C7 E3 C, q } + `. h2 I) [" x- k9 y p) V3 j / A& U/ z: E4 N+ Y! }. M* v a CATLISTP(CATIBRepAccess) ListBreps;. b) h/ t" ?+ k CATIBRepAccess * Brep = NULL; 2 `9 ?" q" q& W% W6 I4 N1 |: n3 X% b CATBaseUnknown * Unk = NULL;* \6 a: M4 o6 K$ X. s ? u& k+ j l2 [- P int compt = 1; 7 v( {' e" _: A$ e- k1 Y" Wfor(; compt <= nbfaces; compt++)$ D% y8 D, h- I! }" g5 | {3 ]5 @5 w. B. E* Z2 ]' m5 b Unk = breps[compt];8 j, Z- n0 Z5 k Brep = (CATIBRepAccess * )Unk; 3 `7 A$ D$ |+ I% M0 e if (NULL != Brep)7 X2 d+ a' ~8 }0 H" _0 L {( m1 i, ?7 Z2 u6 g0 m$ S; D Brep->AddRef(); 2 a* d7 l. L9 Y ] ListBreps.Append(Brep);& P$ [" P# j) Q L }4 J) y* T3 p) Z @ } 2 M2 j9 T3 r Y- J+ R( A1 O breps.RemoveAll();9 a- s" u3 ^1 W' B nbfaces = ListBreps.Size();' ?7 r- s- F! M0 ? if (0 == nbfaces)6 @0 w* {' O( S8 T9 t {- l, ^8 C. {/ z% S4 Q, f! { cout<<"Error, there is no face in the BRepAccess List"<( u" M1 ?) O: g6 V9 @ return 1;! F( t3 a4 Z" [ i" P9 _# b2 ? } ?$ ~6 l; @3 t% g else* X* d4 \$ f7 k2 X5 }/ x {& Y. r! d9 S W# O/ b: u6 _7 ` cout<<"There is(are) "<. b( w9 d, ^$ U6 y }/ \+ i, X! A1 o% k v6 k2 E [/mw_shl_code]
上海点团信息科技有限公司,承接UG NX,CATIA,CREO,Solidworks 等CAx软件,Teamcenter,3D Experience等PLM软件,工业4.0数字化软件的实施\二次开发\培训相关业务,详情QQ 939801026 Tel 18301858168 网址

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admin 发表于 2018-1-10 16:50:30

admin 沙发

2018-1-10 16:50:30

% [2 O; G2 e5 F; T  //1 j+ q  ~0 R  }+ a4 x$ ~
  //7 - retrieving and displaying current faces colors- K7 a$ m0 t" W
  //+ l# G( e3 U4 \2 r  }9 U
. e3 |. {! P  L6 {  cout<<"Retrieving current colors"<<endl;$ y0 s* s/ k- v+ W! u2 L% g
  CATListOfInt retrieveRed,retrieveGreen,retrieveBlue;7 J1 f$ t8 d4 M/ P3 x& U
4 U- J5 }8 l* D) i+ }0 [" l" z  rc = CATMmrApplicativeAttributes::GetColorsOnFaces( ListBreps, retrieveRed,retrieveGreen,retrieveBlue);
2 n: |- ^! o* M8 ^3 E* E7 o/ E5 j  if (E_FAIL == rc )( m; K2 M. I9 o0 B( e) m% `
  {' D; O2 V& [. {5 ?
    cout<<"Error, an error occured while retrieving current part colors"<<endl;! Z7 k0 b9 o8 u6 U7 r' k# _  x1 y5 q
    return 1;; ]1 V7 z' S& E1 V. A
& Y: p, g% |, B2 X5 S8 x+ p1 Q9 x/ K& y% e" B
  for (compt =1;compt<=nbfaces;compt++)
; k& P9 k' T% q1 o" J' C  {
/ ^  B0 e9 F& D; T0 i    cout<<"for the "<<compt<<" face, associated color components are : R "<<retrieveRed[compt]<<" G "<<retrieveGreen[compt]<<" B "<<retrieveBlue[compt]<<endl;
! @0 G9 f( w* G, |  f' V3 j  }
$ Y5 h7 N9 @% q' V5 t' M2 }2 U3 @7 N) ^$ D
6 F. X$ X6 h- ]5 h3 h; T3 h  //8 - Setting a new Color on all faces2 \* I2 L8 P3 R6 _0 F& J3 C! W9 B' m3 O
  //0 b6 L' A. r( m' @

5 I- J3 E. Y2 \5 w1 l6 [  //we are to color the faces with different color according their position : three by three will have the same color
! ^* o: d0 E" Z$ L  cout<<"--------------------------"<<endl;' G0 G# t$ a) f: q* R! p; X
  cout<<"Setting new colors"<<endl;
! G9 z' ~! j. X/ z, i1 y  , L$ C. q1 n3 Q, b! d3 @  J3 s
  CATListOfInt newRed,newGreen,newBlue,FailedIndex;
; y0 N, U3 Y* {, X& t) \2 U  int x=0;; g' B' b6 C! B. @( J+ K3 A5 b0 ~
  for (compt = 1;compt<= nbfaces;compt++)
  C* M7 n1 w! _. ^9 A0 b' V- x  {9 F- n2 Z  K" J
    x = compt%3;
! {& Y, P# u& @7 a8 b0 ?% V    int red(0),green(0),blue(0);$ u! q! r+ L  X& @6 R. @! ?5 r( D) |
    if (1 == x)$ P% J' q, X, C- y% w
      red = 255;
% ]2 \. d% w$ X8 a: T9 A    if (2 == x)* M; z( X5 b% f3 k
      green = 255;% [" d9 E; c, F8 S4 W1 l  C
    if (0 == x)7 `0 ~0 m) t# G/ [, O+ r6 R' b
      blue = 255;' D1 Z9 c4 o# L
    newRed.Append(red);' [  \4 F* z! }. _  _
    newGreen.Append(green);3 Q$ o6 ~0 I, e/ Q
    newBlue.Append (blue);, Q! F" _# h& O% P* [7 W7 q
    cout<<"Setting R "<<red<<" G "<<green<<" B "<<blue<<" on the "<<compt<<" face"<<endl;% ^: G; ?0 U& ]& o; F4 @0 e
6 t$ t% A( j& o! c* {3 @
, A; k: Z5 I7 D# o1 U$ l* }) f% Q  rc = CATMmrApplicativeAttributes::SetColorsOnFaces(ListBreps,newRed,newGreen,newBlue,FailedIndex);
- m! o  D) g0 R  if (E_FAIL == rc)* Y3 [5 w. o* f/ H
  {) k4 {9 H) r! j# \
    cout<<"Error, setting new color on faces failed for all faces"<<endl;
0 L) H# L$ \- z. Q! ^% u7 {; Q    return 1;
9 J# f+ N. @+ v6 c9 A2 ~  }. W; h6 e$ s7 K7 @$ I9 _( E" d( }
  else if (S_FALSE == rc )# a2 J% b7 p  V! F
! M( ~! V/ H1 x    int nberrors = FailedIndex.Size();
8 r+ q" f  g  Q$ E    cout<<"Error, setting new color on faces fails for faces :";
9 u& `" g) p8 F4 z) E* e% h9 ]1 a8 M) f    for (compt = 1;compt<= FailedIndex.Size(); compt++)& h  L& I' ^. Z+ T; u& |
9 ?/ {, I. r% a) M* ~! D      cout<<" "<<FailedIndex[compt];. Z4 h7 u  U' z/ U
    }9 u4 O: S9 t% |6 j+ N
    cout<<endl;2 g- ~* X) @6 f9 U) P+ R
8 y% V# P: y3 b( o* f  S  else
2 A6 \( u* e  P4 y) G: B    cout<<"Colors successfully set on every faces"<<endl;
: I  A: f" u, E( E! }1 i$ Q, P  //4 ]4 O$ d9 i' f. F9 a' i4 M; m
  //9 - retrieving colors we have just set
8 s% K" U3 l+ D+ T: ^  //
. p1 j7 \* Z6 S) Q3 b  cout<<"--------------------------"<<endl;) s7 n/ k9 J( N& l3 h0 _' b1 z! ]
  cout<<"Retrieving new colors"<<endl;3 |0 V1 {+ g5 }$ n
  rc = CATMmrApplicativeAttributes::GetColorsOnFaces( ListBreps, retrieveRed,retrieveGreen,retrieveBlue);  J" L# u  q; P/ h+ n) D
  if (E_FAIL == rc ). ?+ j* t" d- G* T  y
; _/ J' [# k3 ^- C% ?    cout<<"Error, an error occured while retrieving current part colors"<<endl;
- r/ w) i% Q$ W8 h( g+ A    return 1;$ i5 B9 E; O: A" d1 z
  }6 I! n. e) V; M( u, E' }5 K
1 Z5 j, n5 w6 C' h- b
  for (compt =1;compt<=nbfaces;compt++)
6 }% g3 @' Z9 A' Q9 f5 T2 R. ]4 m  {
2 Y0 A6 d8 T* A9 _* m. d2 U' c1 J" B    cout<<"for the "<<compt<<" face, associated color components are : R "<<retrieveRed[compt]<<" G "<<retrieveGreen[compt]<<" B "<<retrieveBlue[compt]<<endl;
- j  _1 f, O% c2 f/ K5 }4 b! m& m) w  }5 k( @* j7 a. h6 v& a5 M9 V" ]7 o

  |4 m" h/ i9 O; o) z  //
  k0 O1 r( [) r! L. G! u/ @6 _- U, M  //10 - Setting Applicative Attributes- `/ b# X* P6 e* C" j. ^
) Q# x) F. `, w8 c& t
2 \& P6 U% b4 ?  //. [. \# X0 Q& }5 O( ]. }  O
  //10 - 1 creating new attributes
" v% [& P( ?0 }  cout<<"--------------------------"<<endl;& X: N  j- X5 ^! J" B" X
  cout<<"Creating applicative attributes for different faces"<<endl;% N4 t7 M7 w# D8 t) U! K; h
  CATListOfCATUnicodeString **AttrNameListToSet = new CATListOfCATUnicodeString*[nbfaces];
$ u+ ]" _; p; D$ {" b* p4 W: O        CATCkeListOfParm *AttrValueListToSet = new CATCkeListOfParm[nbfaces];0 l6 h" f8 u' n% k% g( o
  CATICkeParmFactory_var factory = CATCkeGlobalFunctions::GetVolatileFactory();
5 @7 E: w' Z' E6 ]2 f! K. Y  for (compt = 1;compt<= nbfaces;compt++). m" t* C1 l" {' m
, P1 G) B% K; ]3 r    cout<<"Creating ";$ [9 d8 y1 B( D7 b: J$ F
    x = compt%3;
  \; B0 S3 H. h+ t" L( p- U    //for each face we create a new list of apllicative attributes
3 Y: j' R7 Q6 y- A: {7 V  Y" _    //an applicative attribute is made of a Name and a value7 U. i" G! a' _6 P8 e" L
    if (1 == x)
7 H* U5 q! W8 C' K  Q- S3 x. r, M    {
& c: ~) _8 g3 m8 T. _  P      AttrNameListToSet [compt-1] = new CATListOfCATUnicodeString (3);! g" k/ `, g  s0 A& w3 U' ^7 Z5 i
      AttrValueListToSet[compt-1]   = new CATLISTV(CATBaseUnknown_var)(3);
% M7 R) q. e  T$ h6 X( A6 }0 \( I* D) R& A
      //The first attribute will be the number of the face: k9 _1 C5 {0 a  J; W' C- X7 v
      AttrNameListToSet [compt-1]->Append("FACE_NUMBER");, ~# Z! I! B4 h5 s6 i) d; t$ \# U
      CATICkeParm_var tempcke1 = factory -> CreateInteger ("FACE_NUMBER",compt);6 Z, U2 O* \/ r7 _
      AttrValueListToSet[compt-1]->Append(tempcke1);( h0 H3 i5 C' M) j% G
      8 }- G' k  G$ l& u. X, v
      cout<<" FACE_NUMBER with value "<<compt;
4 K" u" J6 u: a; H0 s! t7 O' w/ u2 N8 ]4 [' t
      //the second will be the color3 B. f3 n" n* A; W# T2 \% R
      AttrNameListToSet [compt-1]->Append("COLOR");
. i8 |  a# `/ r- M+ t' r( k      CATICkeParm_var tempcke2 = factory -> CreateString ("COLOR","Red");* e  K5 j2 N+ A- b1 E# e: U, b( y: Z" O" ]
      AttrValueListToSet[compt-1]->Append(tempcke2);4 [2 b; b% {4 ^0 S- S" _8 Y
4 o  d& ^- `/ l% ?1 F5 k' f      cout<<" COLOR with value Red";
- P4 n& z6 m# m# W3 c. [& ^4 {      
( J9 o; q% |7 ?. z# N, n! U7 S      //the third is x
/ {7 F$ ?1 n* B9 m& ~" L% v      AttrNameListToSet [compt-1]->Append("X");2 I8 b5 r( V  F8 @
      CATICkeParm_var tempcke3 = factory -> CreateReal ("X",x);% h+ _* c1 X3 l# i; ~- Q3 F
' t3 }6 ?0 `9 e; o      - V& N: l5 G/ ]2 r
      cout<<" X with value "<<x;$ V- z: d1 x" B  B+ C% E0 ]8 r
      cout<<" for face nb "<<compt<<endl;
" [7 n4 s: Z5 R0 _# w. Z5 g    }
+ t' t& r- }: ?9 e/ x$ U& M5 ]1 V    else
$ T$ H3 S( G# P    //just to show you you can have different size of list) }5 z( n7 Q7 E  Z' g/ A
    {5 Q( m0 s1 z! H9 d
      AttrNameListToSet [compt-1] = new CATListOfCATUnicodeString (2);
" q, [1 N' [8 R, D8 e      AttrValueListToSet[compt-1]   = new CATLISTV(CATBaseUnknown_var)(2);  r& ^# a3 s# [+ j2 q  V

& ^& q; E5 Y& p3 C* s      //The first attribute will be the number of the face1 ]1 ~9 C+ o- ]: B. d" b! d
      AttrNameListToSet [compt-1]->Append("FACE_NUMBER");
) G& }/ p! D$ t4 v. ]      CATICkeParm_var tempcke1 = factory -> CreateInteger ("FACE_NUMBER",compt);
, }4 _1 P3 V8 C. g      AttrValueListToSet[compt-1]->Append(tempcke1);3 r' B2 Z" R( _: k/ x  n
3 F  A" t4 X2 r' m
      cout<<" FACE_NUMBER with value "<<compt;
' ]7 G8 i5 Z' A4 z7 y5 z
+ g4 V+ _9 L. R      //the second will be the color
6 W. r' V6 e2 x: l+ N" p      AttrNameListToSet [compt-1]->Append("COLOR");! }5 ~2 Z7 @- Y4 w1 o, m
      if (2 == x)
0 Y2 p! S, ?$ U5 J9 x0 w7 W/ ^      {  d$ n9 e9 n3 {7 q3 c4 P
        CATICkeParm_var tempcke2 = factory -> CreateString ("COLOR","Green");8 I1 e# M  A* i$ D  B# M& A7 J
0 F5 ^1 I/ t  R5 X( c1 k        
( P" F- T, i9 ^. H        cout<<" COLOR with value Green";2 X9 I% I' f% V
      }* \. V# i$ G  O
      if (0 == x), T6 a9 B' L" T) b* M
) B$ P& G6 E/ D# d; B        CATICkeParm_var tempcke2 = factory -> CreateString ("COLOR","Blue");
! P6 \3 R2 k) m        AttrValueListToSet[compt-1]->Append(tempcke2);
& @* z  H, N. F* T2 T        
+ @/ u: q# j5 s/ @  I1 o0 t        cout<<" COLOR with value Blue";
  @# }% W$ ^/ m  d      }
2 S0 ~  Z, ^' k* B, k, f' C# o9 ?
      cout<<" on face nb "<<compt<<endl;
6 a/ f- C7 p/ W0 h: O" H- R+ \; T# G1 p" ?0 t' j+ ^
    }5 B7 m  B7 ?, O/ Z' j
  }/ H. ~& T, L- }8 k( V, k7 S" z
" z0 [; A5 `+ j; }" j
  //10 - 2 Setting the applicative attributes- U! [" y: U. k- o) f- K
  cout<<endl<<"Setting applicative attributes on different faces"<<endl;
! P) H& o+ v% F  v3 B  FailedIndex.RemoveAll();& ^# x7 c, s3 ~0 Q: |/ K
  rc=CATMmrApplicativeAttributes::SetAttributesOnFaces(ListBreps, AttrNameListToSet,AttrValueListToSet,FailedIndex);
- p; E, N0 y" o- w  if (E_FAIL == rc)+ d; b9 g3 G8 Q) I# J9 {0 h
1 ~; m# i5 i  H  u: x! [4 p  O    cout<<"Error, we failed to set applicative attributes on all faces"<<endl;3 t6 d, a; i( f( U. ~
  }* K/ }) [- v& \' s- `; R
  else if (S_FALSE == rc)' p4 u; H3 ?" d3 [( X: X5 o
  {# r5 _1 {9 c3 I6 d) C
    int nberrors = FailedIndex.Size();0 B  L) [/ z& g" F9 H
    cout<<"Error, setting applicative attriutes on faces fails for faces :";+ K0 J; D3 D. |5 V' P
    for (compt = 1;compt<= FailedIndex.Size(); compt++), H, [, @( S+ Y, Y
( a1 }; w1 ?( \7 k      cout<<" "<<FailedIndex[compt];
  K2 ]1 @7 {+ F    }* Q0 V9 F8 c" R7 }. {  |
    cout<<endl;! _- Z( x! c2 D
  }9 h# ?8 i. Q* `) P0 w7 P9 p
  else* u% q+ {4 a0 X- x* z4 _& ^% T
  {) j& V1 [& Y; }' j' a
    cout<<"Applicative attributes successfully set"<<endl;3 P' M8 }" _; S$ G
  }: t8 W  Y/ ^3 a% l) l2 D" N6 [4 C

. T1 R" o4 o) q5 c$ r9 P  //10 - 3 cleaning" p1 }2 b: V$ z2 K+ G5 J9 L# R6 q( w3 B
  for  (compt=1; compt<=nbfaces;compt++)$ Z( C! c, |5 a8 t/ I1 ~6 H
% Q# S4 u# h- p* F( ?" s                AttrNameListToSet[compt-1]->RemoveAll(); delete AttrNameListToSet[compt-1];  AttrNameListToSet[compt-1] = NULL;! @% U3 `# |$ i6 h) _! x
                AttrValueListToSet[compt-1]->RemoveAll();delete AttrValueListToSet[compt-1]; AttrValueListToSet[compt-1] = NULL;
5 u, I. |) `2 m: [0 l        }
9 T* y, A& _* C2 K. q  i! H4 a) A3 |
. T6 n4 |, x$ x9 ]' G  z' n        delete [] AttrNameListToSet; AttrNameListToSet = NULL;( z& ^7 u+ n3 w& M  X$ V4 C
        delete [] AttrValueListToSet;AttrValueListToSet = NULL;) O$ T: e# G( {! _# ~" @: h

! r9 O' L+ G. {, N  //
" C% A. l8 p5 ?  //11 - Retrieving the applicative attributes we have just set
- t4 R6 ]# Z5 ^- u  //) [, ]+ t- v! `- o6 E% B
1 N; C- ~) Q) }0 s+ g  cout<<"Getting applicative attributes on faces"<<endl;! o* I2 r, g+ O, U
  //- u/ L8 \. G  _+ ?1 h$ \" ?' {# k
  //11 - 1 Getting attributes
  C! p! {. n: x5 Y9 n6 J  CATListOfCATUnicodeString * AttributNameList = new CATListOfCATUnicodeString[nbfaces];
- B/ ]6 V$ }2 j" j) @  CATCkeListOfParm  AttrValList = new CATListValCATBaseUnknown_var[nbfaces];
) D! W# [$ L1 H, X* F8 [  rc = CATMmrApplicativeAttributes::GetAttributesOnFaces(ListBreps, AttributNameList, AttrValList );/ x$ _) m% e* E
  if (SUCCEEDED(rc))
, k" ^/ I" B2 `  ?/ t. |8 h3 J# Q8 I  {
) f. m; D# s- M    CATListOfCATUnicodeString templiststring;
1 G# V0 ]5 W  r* ?' {    CATListValCATBaseUnknown_var tempCke;
" L3 z8 L  r/ k3 u* m    for (compt=1;compt<=nbfaces;compt++)3 {# E! u3 d3 Z. z( i. a6 D' R+ p
    {( ^1 v/ p9 r* q+ b" I+ O
      //retrieve a list a position k (arrays start at position zero).. q# u& i% }. O* X& z; `  J( b
      templiststring =  (AttributNameList)[compt-1];
( t7 r" ^6 {; [- K      tempCke = (AttrValList)[compt-1];
, Z3 y) E, m  Q; x+ z" H3 j4 R% M* [, Y, @! J; l$ {& y% @3 j
      int nbAttributes = templiststring.Size();% u% e& p4 N  C' c
      int nbValues     = tempCke.Size();
8 g2 u' M( ^7 h0 o- t5 `  ?
! R& M9 \3 O5 D" J5 l3 k      //the list must have the same size! If not, we jump to the next face% k! S9 `$ b4 o
      if (nbAttributes != nbValues)
5 A7 O# }/ s; b$ U: M4 O$ u      {
. `9 d6 _! U/ t* s+ z/ c        cout<<"Error on face "<<compt<<" : nbAttributes and nbValues are different"<<endl;
5 v! c9 m0 i' m; Y        continue;/ l4 Z5 r9 C" P" i5 H
, f/ F! {; d$ I      else" i3 ~' F6 I) g. Z
      {; @, A' L! P3 o6 Z
        cout<<"For face "<<compt<<" there is(are) "<<nbAttributes<<" attribute(s) that is(are) : "<<endl;' }$ c# e2 Q' o# r$ y
  e& N" M4 y- m8 P# w! c; ]      for (int i=1;i<=nbAttributes;i++)
2 ^7 }  D; t: |# T& J: P, D( G2 x      {
: l4 J: G- ]/ ]  q. W+ q; a        cout<<"    - "<<templiststring.ConvertToChar()<<" = "<<((CATICkeParm_var)( tempCke ))->Content().ConvertToChar()<<endl;
" M/ z1 x  S! x1 s$ \6 J      }: D. D" Z! s7 O
      templiststring.RemoveAll();7 P% _6 J$ G8 b8 \/ o/ v$ o
3 S7 V+ z6 S' o; g5 P( A3 b: x8 ]( k1 T; ?/ h/ z
    }5 O' M( C# f* \7 i
7 R; N. @- |" I! |) v% ~  c) X  else if (E_FAIL == rc)9 P+ C+ x+ q0 ^# W
( z8 J5 E* k, F; n6 J* Z    cout<<"Error, applicative attributes couldn't be retrieved"<<endl;5 T# x4 N9 V- O. I
    return 1;
* U: a8 w8 Y; {% |- s  }: |3 R5 [+ c! B6 Y) c% n. Z
  //* [* H0 v! F' i9 p/ H+ e0 ^( |
  //11 - 2 Cleaning List:
- b0 j3 y. @6 H  int i = 0;
0 P2 w, ^& s  {  Z) x! Q4 B  for  (i=0; i < nbfaces;i++)+ y* j  B8 e, V# ?: |& L$ T& A; w  \
8 w5 d' v/ }. X& m% `4 i9 h    AttributNameList.RemoveAll();
% B+ F+ p! G$ c. L, I& I    AttrValList.RemoveAll();
1 C8 V! z0 [4 |. t% {# A  }
7 N" K2 P8 \3 l& J0 J1 _* `  delete [] AttributNameList;        AttributNameList = NULL;
9 M" `- t3 d4 ?2 l3 J  delete [] AttrValList;            AttrValList = NULL;8 C0 V( l; J$ e3 B

" w! R: O  [5 i  _2 G  for (i = 1;i<= nbfaces;i++)
" m2 S  u. U2 [% ]0 b  {+ i' [3 j. R2 X) m
    Brep = ListBreps ;
5 q: n5 U3 Z" F# P    if (NULL != Brep)
) t, Q& Y: g. \  d- v1 n6 X    {
" F% T8 s# ?9 Y3 O      Brep->Release();
$ E0 |: V: d2 x# n0 y! v    }) h9 [# l$ ?) B& i8 c: A
7 I6 v" s) _9 z7 a: x3 ^  ListBreps.RemoveAll();[/mw_shl_code]9 v( |* Q8 F, ~+ w, u
上海点团信息科技有限公司,承接UG NX,CATIA,CREO,Solidworks 等CAx软件,Teamcenter,3D Experience等PLM软件,工业4.0数字化软件的实施\二次开发\培训相关业务,详情QQ 939801026 Tel 18301858168 网址
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