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最全的c++map的用法此文是复制来的0.0 1. map最基本的构造函数;: T% @ \5 M- R/ u# S/ R) D# T" T
map<string ,int>mapstring; map<int,string >mapint;
; B4 J! T" Z5 Cmap<sring,char>mapstring; map< char ,string>mapchar;
! k. }) w# }6 I1 b2 `; Tmap<char,int>mapchar; map<int ,char>mapint; 2. map添加数据; map<int ,string>maplive; y2 B @& F6 s1 @
1. maplive.insert(pair<int,string>(102,"aclive"));
, i9 ?# \* X* W9 }2 U2. maplive.insert(map<int,string>::value_type(321,"hai"));
$ I/ t, R6 @% [1 q- W3. maplive[112]="April";//map中最简单最常用的插入添加!2 G5 z2 r9 k5 Y2 `/ l# ^
3. map中元素的查找: find()函数返回一个迭代器指向键值为key的元素,如果没找到就返回指向map尾部的迭代器。 map<int ,string >::iteratorl_it;;
- e3 T) G1 v- E$ ~0 e7 d2 |9 ]l_it=maplive.find(112);//返回的是一个指针
) B( ^* U+ B ~ F+ L" `3 Z5 U6 `* Jif(l_it==maplive.end())( D, R# }+ X# k4 @6 r
cout<<"we do not find112"<<endl;+ d$ p y/ K1 e3 P. M1 q
elsecout<<"wo find112"<<endl;
/ _% j! R3 ]+ s! y3 Z1 `
7 V" r @+ Z0 r$ mmap<string,string>m; if(m[112]=="") cout<<"we do not find112"<<endl;
4 W" A+ `! K' s 4. map中元素的删除:
, ^' f$ J) j6 d* Z: D) d! P* i如果删除112;, v% H" f' e& Y0 U: ~
map<int ,string>::iterator l_it;;
6 r( E$ R$ l3 ^( F+ h+ Pl_it =maplive.find(112);
' u5 M4 I# ~+ Y; o3 ?if( l_it == maplive.end())
9 _4 x4 Z) t! ^6 Wcout<<"we do not find112"<<endl;
8 d$ b( U! ~6 Q4 Jelse maplive.erase(l_it);//delete 112;. f$ e) |# n% s" m
5. map中 swap的用法:
% y4 a. z* k$ J" a$ ]6 q" `Map中的swap不是一个容器中的元素交换,而是两个容器交换;+ c& Q+ w- A- k. Y W# @2 O2 s/ U
For example:9 b0 o# R3 e# l% Y+ A! n
. a4 T+ S0 b2 a! V8 G+ T$ m#include<iostream> usingnamespace std; int main() R. R/ }2 o! h( ]2 E
7 C5 Z0 C, i; _1 a( I! j: E% mmap <int, int> m1, m2, m3;4 g; a0 b, I3 p- r$ Y @
map <int,int>::iterator m1_Iter; m1.insert( pair <int, int>(1, 10 ) );6 G7 v% Y+ P* w7 h3 F1 k+ {
m1.insert ( pair <int,int> ( 2, 20 ) );
/ K5 }9 V5 L; y" O6 d% `- u6 Sm1.insert ( pair <int,int> ( 3, 30 ) );; n- {. Q% N5 x" l# U: \4 V
m2.insert ( pair <int,int> ( 10, 100 ) );
4 \; A4 e3 z: |% L3 W5 A! f; bm2.insert ( pair <int,int> ( 20, 200 ) );
) {* y; x. E* B4 t5 G3 C; T+ Sm3.insert ( pair <int,int> ( 30, 300 ) ); cout << "The original map m1is:";3 C$ c- m5 U' S3 R1 ]& v
for ( m1_Iter = m1.begin( ) ; m1_Iter != m1.end() ; m1_Iter++ )
( L) W8 s1 R" f7 Fcout << " "<<m1_Iter->second;
7 C, X/ c& i7 P4 qcout << "."<< endl; // This isthe member function version of swap
8 f( Y6 q. I% K; O// m2 is said to be theargument map; m1 the target map4 I, Y$ v7 C) i- W ?+ h
m1.swap( m2); cout << "Afterswapping with m2, map m1 is:";
0 R9 C8 B/ G9 f- `6 Vfor ( m1_Iter = m1.begin( ) ; m1_Iter != m1.end() ; m1_Iter++ )
+ `6 Q' Y' G2 ?5 p7 W! A' Mcout << " "<< m1_Iter ->second;
3 T w- y5 b# n) S. q$ Gcout << "."<< endl;
( ]- M$ Y( e6 qcout << "After swapping with m2, mapm2 is:";6 n' ^& \; [' ?
for ( m1_Iter = m2.begin( ); m1_Iter != m2.end(); m1_Iter++ )3 z+ Q+ n; i) j1 D& j! B) |+ U8 b
cout << " "<< m1_Iter ->second;9 u" B" ?/ f% V0 `
cout << "."<< endl;
# h8 }0 @, P" U
// This is the specialized template version of swap
( o6 R& E1 _2 D% Gswap( m1, m3 ); cout << "Afterswapping with m3, map m1 is:";
& p6 D3 b; @3 y& `) Pfor ( m1_Iter = m1.begin( ); m1_Iter != m1.end(); m1_Iter++ )4 b8 b. M, n9 J9 e
cout << " "<< m1_Iter ->second;
; ^' y- A* b6 W6 ]cout << "."<< endl;
& X- @3 b L% F2 P( M; m3 h8 [- G} 6. map的sort问题:$ m' W7 L4 Y O0 ?/ T3 I1 x/ w' t
0 O8 v# }+ F, J8 T! v' fFor example:
- k# m& i" K3 w4 ]#include<map>
! }. H+ z5 E! N) C. i1 ?#include<iostream> usingnamespace std; int main( )# N2 X8 v' L! S/ c9 x
, S2 @ ^# n0 A! Wmap<int, int> m1;
& `" a8 J- q; J# V7 ~4 o& U$ ]" x1 umap <int,int>::iterator m1_Iter; m1.insert (pair <int, int> (1, 20 ) );
; ]* |- u7 h& Q# |) ^0 O& \% cm1.insert ( pair<int, int> ( 4, 40) );
7 {' M. y3 p) b! E Z/ X& y0 Qm1.insert ( pair<int, int> ( 3, 60) );
0 G* L0 b- t3 `( |% S, R* Jm1.insert ( pair<int, int> ( 2, 50) );
1 P# D9 H8 h) _m1.insert ( pair<int, int> ( 6, 40) );4 ~3 b7 e- p C( A
m1.insert ( pair<int, int> ( 7, 30) ); cout<< "The original map m1is:"<<endl;/ T7 B6 T5 O- V8 ?4 w7 H# {
for ( m1_Iter = m1.begin( );m1_Iter != m1.end( ); m1_Iter++ )
7 r( c7 h0 w! v( Q- E: W# n3 b- ccout << m1_Iter->first<<""<<m1_Iter->second<<endl;0 S- s# \$ X; M5 H$ f$ K
' o7 R8 c. s) j8 ~8 s, `
4 O j m7 l( Q The original map m1 is: ?! i; X* ?+ U: J L }0 C
1 20
/ v% W- P5 k, r) y# ^9 Y+ U. \: R1 c2 50/ Z4 F5 Q8 F3 ?1 d
3 60
, |. f2 x0 X& S( ?& Z9 L& J9 B4 404 M& e/ j6 `) F" @! w, Q, q s3 ^
6 40. I3 t% k1 M$ }+ \' G
7 30 7. map的基本操作函数:/ W/ U7 H7 {. z7 M3 B
C++Maps 是一种关联式容器,包含“关键字/值”对
3 M! n+ g8 x6 q( Jbegin() 返回指向map头部的迭代器
1 U6 c: x1 k5 m! E7 [6 t. d3 R( q5 eclear() 删除所有元素
_, H- E* `$ e# X' w; w2 F4 J) acount() 返回指定元素出现的次数
0 j! c! ^/ E% D: Nempty() 如果map为空则返回true
' i: Z! F3 Z. P9 ^& M1 N9 dend() 返回指向map末尾的迭代器
, G; v2 f8 e& s% V8 @5 X4 Fequal_range() 返回特殊条目的迭代器对
* f% v+ _% u Q3 g' ?8 ]# ]% derase() 删除一个元素$ R1 X. w% K9 f7 j- _; l8 z
find() 查找一个元素7 O2 O: P# N' \; i$ ^1 c$ T3 h
get_allocator() 返回map的配置器
) J/ B# U7 u2 S- s$ U9 d1 pinsert() 插入元素; @* ^0 h5 j# B, U% M' I
key_comp() 返回比较元素key的函数
( @% M ~6 h1 Z3 Q- n8 x% {lower_bound() 返回键值>=给定元素的第一个位置
- R( o% e: d) y' [3 lmax_size() 返回可以容纳的最大元素个数% `$ k, L, g* V1 j
rbegin() 返回一个指向map尾部的逆向迭代器( d- W$ o# G$ w2 W8 `7 W
rend() 返回一个指向map头部的逆向迭代器2 r, [. a4 z5 Y0 j
size() 返回map中元素的个数9 C& `4 o5 f/ \$ |
swap() 交换两个map
% W2 N& ?8 m; v+ a8 `0 I) i9 xupper_bound() 返回键值>给定元素的第一个位置
* c" y8 u3 M! z, Tvalue_comp() 返回比较元素value的函数 + c. b& J3 N5 n8 ^+ O K