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[二次开发源码] 教你如何通过NXOpen C++通过session 找part,part找body,body找face...


2014-3-18 16:55:13 3209 0

admin 发表于 2014-3-18 16:55:13 |阅读模式

admin 楼主

2014-3-18 16:55:13


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The examples show how to access the following relationships:
( ^  a) C; b3 ~
  • NX session → list of parts
  • part → list of solid bodies
  • solid body → list of faces
    solid body → list of edges
  • face → list of associated edges
    face → solid body
  • edge → list of associated faces
    edge → solid body

    5 y' C! L; b. g) T6 m! K

) F, |0 T/ N4 S4 JBodies, Faces and Edges - Language Specific Details
( x, h! U+ e! n! R( G& x
NX Open for C++
NX Open for .NET
NX Open for Java
# U0 h$ _7 m( n- b
/ ~6 @, g2 k4 b1 W4 u
NX Open for C++
' D- b* g! Z  Y( `5 ~- `, _6 R
; a8 d) ^9 ]+ N- E$ M( i; J; a1 t. k+ C6 f
NX session → list of parts
- J* }+ P5 F7 V  Q2 O
To access all parts in an NX session, use the Parts property to access the Part Collection.  Then use the collection's iterator to access each part.
  Session *NXSession = Session::GetSession();   ParTCollection *partList = NXSession->Parts();  PartCollection::iterator itr;  for ( itr = partList->begin(); itr != partList->end(); ++itr )  {   processPart(*itr);  }
: B. @/ L+ G* U* v2 ]- E
* b- _* a% I' p9 K) J4 h9 vpart → list of solid bodies
" j% ~0 f! h* U0 S1 r% I
To access all solid bodies in a part, use the Bodies property to access the Body Collection. Then use the collection's iterator to access each body.
void processPart(Part *partObject){   BodyCollection *bodyList = partObject->Bodies();   BodyCollection::iterator itr;   for (itr = bodyList->begin(); itr != bodyList->end(); ++itr)   {    processBodyFaces(*itr);    processBodyEdges(*itr);   }}
4 K% ^1 V/ {5 S7 z4 \7 U( _5 r' _" k
solid body → list of faces# j6 |( e0 F: U$ \4 N
To access the faces of a body use the GetFaces() method to return an array of faces.
void processBodyEdges(Body *bodyObject){    std::vector <Edge *> edgeArray = bodyObject->GetEdges();    for (int inx = 0;  inx < (int)edgeArray.size(); ++inx)          {                        processEdge(edgeArray[inx]);          }}
9 M$ M9 X  p7 y8 W' {/ p% S, V% g( n% z! m: U$ ]
solid body → list of edges
0 W  M; Y2 `3 b5 G; }+ ?5 _
To access the edges in a body use the GetEdges() method to return an array of edges.
void processBodyEdges(Body *bodyObject){    std::vector <Edge *> edgeArray = bodyObject->GetEdges();    for (int inx = 0;  inx < (int)edgeArray.size(); ++inx)    {    processEdge(edgeArray[inx]);    }}
: p& v9 K. W: d% E. Y$ a- ~4 F; G3 S% @* e5 `
face → list of associated edges( J7 r  h3 y' D$ R6 \
face → solid body1 z! H% F+ X  E  [; i. j' G+ q; z
To access the edges for a face use the GetEdges() method to return an array of edges. To access the face's body use the GetBody() method.
void processFace(Face *faceObject){        std::vector<Edge *> edgeArray = faceObject->GetEdges();        for (int inx = 0;  inx < (int)edgeArray.size(); ++inx)        {                processEdge(edgeArray[inx]);        }        Body *bodyOfFace = faceObject->GetBody();} 3 r- L' ~( h8 i3 |* e

. \/ a# O: e2 m$ Wedge → list of associated faces4 Y$ m/ ^/ k, H9 ]+ J" {3 B
edge → solid body/ ~% x: W2 b) u% a$ v
To access the faces associated with and edge use the GetFaces() method to return an array of faces. To access the edge's body use the GetBody() method.
void processEdge(Edge *edgeObject){        std::vector<Face *> faceArray = edgeObject->GetFaces();        for (int inx = 0;  inx < (int)faceArray.size(); ++inx)        {                processEdgeFace(faceArray[inx]);        }        Body *bodyOfEdge = edgeObject->GetBody();}
: x! }' t4 @4 `) n0 W2 F' w
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