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[资料分享] 关于NX二次开发,经典界面到RIbbon界面转换的菜单开发技巧


2015-1-9 10:37:48 4187 0

admin 发表于 2015-1-9 10:37:48 |阅读模式

admin 楼主

2015-1-9 10:37:48


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9 {0 e9 c- k. F3 q1 U6 B* }


% {9 _$ c: i: l) [5 |
在经典界面下,需要的文件! M9 a" }: s! w5 R0 v! y
  • customer_toolbar.tbr: N* y: ?: m  d1 y0 I6 y) c$ p
! t+ Z  z8 R. H. Q
  • customer_tab.rtb
  • customer_toolbar.tbr
  • customer_toolbar_alternate.tbr
  • customer_group.grb

    $ @/ e& T9 B. H9 R3 e  N" z- q

. I4 i: ^. |+ `+ C% D3 F7 D1 h7 a3 }0 O
' `; _  O) h  p: h
; V% R! `  N( f4 L+ x  [. Y0 @/ v  c) ]- ]1 ^7 v* H ~8 E" }; \: @4 u+ a5 R
!/ @" l/ f' h# z- a) ?
!  Customer menu file: E+ F) B: T" G" G; ]
! 7 I' x  M& i  U  x6 o
!  Contains button definitions to be used in 3 Q0 D7 S5 I# C  ]
!  toolbars and Ribbon files
* K: H. U& P. V0 C! j!
% C. ]4 B2 D. O0 K: a8 u+ c1 k* O5 j6 r5 M) u3 M, k
3 L! s8 M% m6 {! c5 B8 A8 a8 t4 \! K( t/ {
" K8 L5 L$ a( j0 K
3 a. [" h9 E# r4 u6 W4 GTOP_MENU
- |) b. _# j" b3 E8 L$ H3 w    CASCADE_BUTTON CUSTOMER_MENU8 t/ F  G3 `9 l, y$ V, B
    LABEL Customer Menu& g/ N/ k: x  N" V) ^! p& A8 b

% Z- ^+ D$ T3 H4 wEND_OF_TOP_MENU+ t! V& C6 Y& y  X* V
4 L+ T0 G3 i& A
9 S1 d, u4 j$ ~( M; l* h+ n$ N. r- S! ^. X+ S
    BUTTON CUSTOMER_BUTTON_18 {/ T' K; O# v$ w
    LABEL Menu Button1# A' k6 j, |1 r/ B8 ~* Z
        RIBBON_LABEL Ribbon Button18 \9 M( ]+ v3 h% x5 L0 c
        TOOLBAR_LABEL Toolbar Button1
. g2 o( S/ V5 z6 U, i    BITMAP fileopen1 v/ y; N; A" }/ |) q3 j7 W2 L
0 T! r2 [3 x) Q! D% Y; A/ H
0 e5 T& v4 x, C$ f5 U; O1 `    LABEL Menu Button23 \& ]% F  w7 ^
        RIBBON_LABEL Ribbon Button2, E) ~3 p! O, r* h
        TOOLBAR_LABEL Toolbar Button2
4 [* i  w; a0 W2 g, q9 Y    BITMAP filesave- X6 d3 I* u7 d

4 ]  K+ \! j( D3 h. b% h    BUTTON CUSTOMER_BUTTON_3
# d" e7 ]4 J6 U' h1 o8 Y0 c: z- x    LABEL Menu Button3' V4 M. L* D/ E: T
        RIBBON_LABEL Ribbon Button3
# ?" n9 T. ?3 [9 }2 V  B        TOOLBAR_LABEL Toolbar Button3: |3 ^" e; i% B6 e: z# \
    BITMAP current_feature& h* |8 p4 S* u* U0 R( x- ~

9 a" u8 t& J  H) P4 ]    BUTTON CUSTOMER_BUTTON_4
' N3 F! X9 l$ f$ b5 r% Z    LABEL Menu Button4
* f' {; R5 q* Y1 C7 g5 }4 c        RIBBON_LABEL Ribbon Button4
/ ~# L  v3 e4 i$ f$ E! q        TOOLBAR_LABEL Toolbar Button4
6 B, m( v4 K' T8 S; v4 v    BITMAP block& h, A- z) W7 K% e* T. f

# \6 l7 a3 m$ D% u: ]1 s    BUTTON CUSTOMER_BUTTON_5
/ \  R8 `) ^: _% Z( e+ o4 P7 y    LABEL Menu Button5
0 N7 G- ~) X% l+ _        RIBBON_LABEL Ribbon Button5( s: b$ Z* k5 @7 C& ^: u
        TOOLBAR_LABEL Toolbar Button5
4 t$ S# v# d7 v. o2 d) V4 F    BITMAP checkgreen* Q. F( C, P/ p
; B3 m' u" h; s' w# C
7 q9 P/ ]  D. z% X. y/ ]
5 c# f1 T- ?; ^* l5 ~, x3 P3 p; ]; e& f5 \5 [% M- \

5 F# Z5 F  ~( G. R( lcustomer_ribbon_tab.rtb
3 r8 _$ q5 v# ?+ a!
2 n+ T" }# m7 ^+ v# Y!  Customer Ribbon Tab, V1 `& K0 R0 s% w
! * \3 S3 c, p* O7 _, P
!  This file will create a new customer tab containing three groups and0 L7 W1 e) V; ~
!  one top level button.
  ~4 _' Z: p5 o1 |8 L!- t5 g( h% r" U, ^, W$ m

/ L9 W2 }, f$ x. Y1 Q, KTITLE  Customer Tab
% D4 B& n5 i8 VVERSION 170
% k3 z! ~* ?/ c7 A5 n$ J3 q; C; T, |% X3 o" w
!  The first group represents a Ribbon group that references an existing 7 f$ `4 ?. O: w/ e/ r, _
!  toolbar with no Ribbon style changes.  
2 W+ N/ M0 B& _! 0 a; p- K! k% P4 k2 E9 H0 |$ D
!  This is the quickest way to add existing toolbar content into Ribbon mode.3 D' Y9 d* q( q) q  \. Z+ l! m7 X! _
+ m# x7 f7 r7 X, RGROUP  customer_toolbar.tbr' J, ~+ o0 b6 \2 s
  Z7 f; |  \$ u+ |3 _
!  The second group represents a Ribbon group that references an existing
6 X- u& `: c* F1 ]: V  d# p!  toolbar with Ribbon specific style changes added to it.  There is no difference( `7 ~/ f+ [' l" H) `/ B' m0 E
!  in how this toolbar is referenced in the .rtb file compared to the first
1 p7 c0 `" Y& b) w7 O: @!  toolbar as a group.  The only differences from the first group exist within
0 F' v. A; X8 c: x!  the .tbr file itself.+ K$ l# Y5 K/ x$ X
!2 k; u/ ]8 B+ ?  _1 `4 Z
!  This approach has advantages for customers that will deploy both Ribbon and. ~5 M7 ]% m: k' U  U' @
!  Classic Mode customizations since all the content is defined in the .tbr
; B! S1 c% k' f( B( K' C% C!  file and it will stay synchronized in both modes.  Only one set of customizations0 B" h8 f$ t5 m% U" y
!  will need to be maintained while still making use of RIBBON_STYLE to % j% [( S1 ^8 N" H: f
!  control the presentation of the buttons on the Ribbon.
$ @/ r+ a$ W0 K) I; R!
4 \- j! K5 K: {' G4 {6 MGROUP  customer_toolbar_alternate.tbr
+ ~1 R. p! V$ W+ Y$ X* L
( z* e3 `& X9 h" u!  The third group represents a Ribbon group that has been created explicitly* E3 t# A& F' c" y/ q: A& ~
!  as a Ribbon group and will not exist in Classic Toolbar mode.  This is the
/ ^! e6 L( r6 T1 i/ r: Q!  preferred option since the user will be able to take advantage of all the
7 c: n8 ]( V: j; h" b+ D  o% L- q!  layout styles and containers offered by the Ribbon.  5 V3 O/ g: C" o0 [; J( S  z1 I
!2 f. l: d- [' `9 g  ?. s" m3 I
!  For customers that will deploy both Ribbon and Classic Mode customizations,
& ^: d! r) Z8 a, a8 C1 k  ^!  this approach will result in no synchronization and two sets of customizations
% U- t8 z0 D  f& |, ^8 Z!  will need to be maintained.
2 ]$ K; Y, M2 P- _4 ?4 d. \, ]!
9 P& r4 b3 Q, {4 d# f!  A group can alternatively be defined directly inside the .rtb file by using the
* Y0 i, e! D4 N- r- ^! `% d' H7 d!  keywords BEGIN_GROUP and END_GROUP.  1 w7 B+ ^4 ~3 }/ E9 D# f2 }1 ^
!, U% D% i8 s0 T8 V) E1 G
GROUP  customer_group.grb
6 ~7 ?! m5 t4 ^. p" L6 W+ u
+ F1 F/ e7 |" `2 Y8 P! ~5 `5 k!  Example of a button that is placed directly on the Ribbon without being/ `  c& R; }8 c  G
!  contained in a group.  This is a simple way to add a button to a tab' e! G3 Z+ O, g- t0 p* S
!  but is not recommended for many buttons since groups have advantages.
  ?# j6 P& u4 R!  ' E1 x8 h- n: T3 P6 D2 y. E/ H$ L
!  A few advantages of groups:
! ~/ F) w% L+ ?) m7 u  X1 T!     1. Easier to move many buttons around together in quick customization.  
4 \. @$ v. n$ P: \, B!        For example, MB3 on a group and choose "Add to Left Border Bar".  
$ Z0 S% T) M! Y- C4 ?5 B% J!        This will move the whole group to a new location.  If buttons are 6 s) L. \) D  e4 z$ j7 _. k
!        not in a group, they need to be moved one at a time.5 C4 {6 K. i. X
, h8 G- O" R- O+ p!     2. Provide a label to describe its contents.
/ s8 n* Y% `2 e5 ?!
5 b6 I2 \" O( l' ILABEL Button1 Directly on Tab
6 \; D& \+ ^/ P! w6 u
# b7 N3 F7 c: z8 p" h" c3 s, V$ Q& }1 C5 M5 w& F2 p
/ |' ?3 a+ a  W# p, t% R
customer_toolbar.tbr, I. g% p5 p4 x% Z* ?
!3 d* m4 Z( Y8 O/ o
!  Customer Toolbar File* X0 ]; h  U# N" f( A6 R; U
!( s4 l2 V/ E+ u/ P6 R
!  This is similar to an existing toolbar file containing
+ A2 ], V, {4 _9 t!  no Ribbon changes.
7 M7 v; S9 T! w* @) ~( p5 ?!1 X% k  U: m+ e7 P6 O( i/ W
!  In Classic Toolbars mode - This toolbar will still show up in the
: G6 D3 |1 v5 j* x' F8 e!     toolbars list.; F# `2 Y, ]! f  t
!. u1 r* O0 P, s) o/ L
!  In Ribbon mode - This toolbar will be automatically converted to a
0 U/ D5 T0 V2 \7 x; i- r- \!     Ribbon group and will appear in the "Classic Toolbars as Groups"
4 c: |0 R6 b: ]4 j!     section in the Customize dialog.
/ }9 R4 i' N& l) S% R' R" U8 q!  
" r# r, i1 y% o5 @
! B" g9 v. L4 E$ u1 ]TITLE Toolbar
' K5 j- Z6 m7 g0 ~9 r5 `, ^6 ^VERSION 170
0 y& v9 c  e3 [) B! ^! V4 {* v' ~0 @
BUTTON CUSTOMER_BUTTON_1. J% f! b6 J! ^  A& o; Q
' d) @/ u5 b& g1 [8 K0 m( R0 K
, L# W3 t3 G+ }0 q9 W% y0 H* s6 ?; ^) w! a. I7 d1 y! r9 X
& E( E& B& l9 J  r# q; p
2 z3 E+ i# m- _) s- |* p- KBUTTON CUSTOMER_BUTTON_4
* s" J/ w. s4 x; w: }" Q* u4 x
7 d# r' Y0 [& Y$ }' ?BUTTON CUSTOMER_BUTTON_5
  |( f# f$ c6 B! O& t) b# D# E3 w9 Z# E: P& h& l5 X) \7 n
) k/ E- r3 V- K! t+ _( m

" q, t3 L, u7 {0 O+ [( Hcustomer_toolbar_alternate.tbr
* ?! L& W+ C: l3 V!
$ [8 n$ \& i4 f- O3 B/ o* G!  Customer Toolbar File (Alternate)
6 _5 p/ J; T# Y1 t4 C8 l!
- u0 x# h+ j& u/ _" e9 L!  This is similar to an existing toolbar file with new7 k$ c( y5 O: s! c* c% x7 Y
!  Ribbon styles added.
% d5 M- q+ a/ r) N$ }!  ' P1 c* m2 Q, Y7 I8 v, f2 k
!  The RIBBON_STYLE will be honored when the toolbar is loaded ! p! M+ T, X7 d! Z) [  f
!  in Ribbon mode as a group but will be ignored when the toolbar
2 r0 j9 |; i6 P5 Z, X!  is displayed in Classic Toolbars mode.$ d; \2 k) I# _' U' e! X+ L/ s
!8 c9 I$ Z3 V1 U/ ~1 x9 \0 J
!  In Classic Toolbars mode - This toolbar will still show up in the 5 Q0 Y/ a; `  m, X3 _  w! Z
!     toolbars list.
5 M  a7 M( P+ E, a!
+ s. F  y5 H( L1 m8 g!  In Ribbon mode - This toolbar will be automatically converted to a . d' {: T! G* x' W
!     Ribbon group and will appear in the "Classic Toolbars as Groups"$ k/ A  k& v; n, Y$ r: V
!     section in the Customize dialog.
0 ]+ l0 G$ m. ^- [: K2 }( d!
, q  [" g  L. a; m8 ~+ A
* ^" ?. D- K5 ]0 P5 {7 c/ dTITLE Toolbar (Alternate)
  `% b2 n$ e- S/ h% @" jVERSION 170/ F2 g8 _3 F0 f1 R1 L4 V( A+ c$ p

: L- ^! R" _4 j2 \BUTTON CUSTOMER_BUTTON_1) v$ Z& \+ Q% E  s+ Q
LABEL Toolbar(Alt) Button1. V# ^/ J4 O" k" o( b
: ?: b% f# ?0 n# k
' B) f1 w# p* _5 uBUTTON CUSTOMER_BUTTON_2' I! s6 p) m$ v& B% k
LABEL Toolbar(Alt) Button23 Y1 v2 r9 F! \
& v: A  x6 \9 s7 f3 v
) g7 e$ p9 P# P* V! h) }" c8 m$ sBUTTON CUSTOMER_BUTTON_37 U; J' J" E  e8 X% L, p" s( o
LABEL Toolbar(Alt) Button3% I* }' D% v, c+ T$ D& |- R

" ?4 p( U' O% X+ s( N0 t) S+ `6 KBUTTON CUSTOMER_BUTTON_4
, @5 K- ?, {8 i/ T; F" RLABEL Toolbar(Alt) Button4
" \) F1 W( J& K" K( d
. X7 T* n. Y5 z; w- zBUTTON CUSTOMER_BUTTON_57 K- D+ |0 X% A( p) k( l1 @  T( b
LABEL Toolbar(Alt) Button5
8 S8 A4 Z2 V) e; {/ ?RIBBON_STYLE SMALL_IMAGE_AND_TEXT$ |; B7 X+ Y7 U% r3 b1 F* j

9 C, \0 o1 l: X) y! H" t* Y; d# d
1 w7 r. S0 G) P! |+ s  }0 K
: ], x2 r4 C% h& Q; t8 ^) K, p0 [2 Bcustomer_group.grb
% s$ Z+ J% ~6 U6 T- m, |!
7 h# `2 b" X  Z; `!  Customer Ribbon Group File, C6 F% q4 K2 z
!/ R3 i- Z  Q' V1 J6 W: ~% u
!  In Classic Toolbars mode - This group will be unavailable2 p8 {$ ]6 H- A' S
!" x/ h; I5 }$ x" `9 y
!  In Ribbon mode - This group will show up in the "All Groups" list
: g: Q4 z" K! O, v!     in the Customize dialog.
5 ?% w% {0 p! y/ q* s( ~: [!
- c7 Z. S+ ^! K  u!  The labels of the buttons are defined using the RIBBON_LABEL token in the MEN files
& \8 c, A2 _' a$ `+ q: v0 a!& m* Z9 F4 q) w! S! V
  k/ u7 H  C% _9 G
TITLE Group  [3 h+ E  y2 M5 D. v+ T& {
VERSION 170# Z. L5 u0 H$ v0 G
: A+ O& r% @+ @& O0 e& S) ~7 B
!  No LABEL defined, using RIBBON_LABEL defined in
% w9 H5 P$ o0 V: A0 L; w9 TBUTTON CUSTOMER_BUTTON_1+ u, E- Y! m( ~8 h' _/ }
* B* [9 i) S4 X7 u6 O( F4 G/ n1 e6 D, A3 Z/ \! x
!  Example of a gallery defined in a GRB file.
/ m) Y2 h* c$ N1 \  O) y; V" ~! ) I+ [% b( d5 t
!  If this gallery is to be used in other places, then it could be 0 ~/ |# l% G. Z2 ]/ y4 V  a6 ]
!  defined in its own gallery (GLY) file and referenced here% _6 `) j# T9 i3 R9 E; ~  T6 H
!  Example:
' T$ }+ m/ @- x( ?5 l!    GALLERY customer_gallery.gly
. n# I+ s; L  N5 y!8 V; L  g2 n% g& p. r! j+ b
/ s3 l  L/ e$ G# p/ DCOLUMN_IN_RIBBON 2
5 C! s2 A! ^" M( |- Q& H" a, h- LCOLUMN_IN_POPUP 24 O, \: \( y8 k( r  Z) Z
LABEL Gallery
( @# P5 P+ C7 O- j2 h, D4 t+ N6 Z: h  ]; `
; |: O% V4 [0 K/ P) d
6 K$ b0 g4 {! t0 }4 G8 }+ b    BUTTON CUSTOMER_BUTTON_3
, ~7 E+ V5 g5 ~8 {" ~# [( L( T7 ^% I; o9 i3 H, L
    BUTTON CUSTOMER_BUTTON_48 [3 A/ q* e, l! r

7 K! `; J0 ~) l% M- B6 @* E    BUTTON CUSTOMER_BUTTON_54 F! \: L7 u5 u  ]7 z

7 N/ f* ~/ w) J9 AEND_GALLERY
. \; w8 o3 _" q4 W
( u9 c% F. r9 _- b
/ X' L1 G/ t" x. ]
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