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[安装] Teamcenter11.2 升级到 Teamcenter 11.4 图文教程


2018-2-12 10:17:43 4606 0

admin 发表于 2018-2-12 10:17:43 |阅读模式

admin 楼主

2018-2-12 10:17:43


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Teamcenter11.2 升级到 Teamcenter 11.4 图文教程1 e! g* [3 W5 `! i: {
视频教程请参考 z2 k" {% Y* L4 `

: [9 b+ T& C6 J! X1 _) h===Clearlocks======
. G8 |  A1 Z( ~) Y; ~clearlocks -assert_all_dead -u=infodba -p=infodba -g=dba. v, Z% k; J! P# h) b" S0 _
clearlocks -verbose
: l( o. }- ?5 g1 ^1 G3 n# H8 a4 h% B1 I4 o5 R
' w: ]2 u1 s+ l6 E1 C- E; c
11.4 的升级比较特殊,特殊的两部如下:
6 t5 S; G1 Y) }3 c/ S: a) T, [5 o7 m5 A; h: ?" U3 z
REM === Migrate trace links =====# Y/ W0 ]  j2 |/ j) v
2 R2 ^. O9 g3 W1 G6 q  ?" h
req_migrate_bomview_tracelinks -u=infodba -p=infodba -g=dba
: \4 c1 y( t( Z2 e/ E$ l+ I# p
* M4 @+ w8 G  B3 K+ |. n
! `1 x3 g/ [# S% L====DB =======
( f( c* f) E$ n6 Q9 H( f=====backup====
' S7 h! G/ P. J! Q2 ]2 V3 m) y7 `2 F* j" E  B

- T9 r7 N5 {" `- v3 a6 nREM ==Estimate tablespace requirements for update====
4 H- M% W+ ?9 L& KOracle databases:1 |) k0 f; T8 g) g3 T! ~- _& k
1. Back up existing Teamcenter data.
' Z: s, h8 ]8 v# y+ y3 m2. Determine the tables affected by the update to Teamcenter 11.4.! ~' h& V) h8 N1 s$ B& S( ^/ r
a. Enter the following SQL command:
6 T) N% f5 P( H: m" s7 h8 ?; i
) m2 d/ ]. ~4 t0 ~- X% Z( Q9 [% iSELECT ptname FROM PPOM_CLASS WHERE BITAND(pproperties, 8192) <> 0+ R, Z8 o, o8 t" A! W
UNION9 J* }7 H2 o' j; N) L
SELECT ptname FROM PPOM_CLASS WHERE BITAND(pproperties, 32768) <> 0;
+ L/ m/ ^5 m6 k
: S+ b  @% q5 V) U: Sb. To the resulting list of tables, add the PIMANEXPORTRECORD and PPOM_STUB
, L- f) h7 ^# z% t8 |tables, which are also affected by the update process.5 G4 ]) U1 w8 Q% @- e+ M
1 L8 l: S* E/ ]  k+ b  D; y
Determine the amount of space consumed by each affected table.
" Q( z5 g- v8 K3 D: `6 rFor each table identified in step 2 (including PIMANEXPORTRECORD and PPOM_STUB),
6 H; g) [8 ]( P  `
+ J4 r* p" F& G& G! _5 }enter the following SQL command:( e; y' s1 N3 B2 q0 R
WITH cte13 [3 h" C: M/ Z, _
AS (SELECT table_name
3 W$ j3 t1 N- b, @; P7 T7 hFROM user_tables
0 j# Q6 Y/ o" w  {WHERE table_name = 'TABLE-NAME'),3 n9 @; x. l5 e, R2 _0 G, h
cte27 p2 x. K- Q) u7 @
AS (SELECT SUM(blocks) * 8 / 1024 MB
3 n. D) S3 S) c  ?4 c4 J8 xFROM dba_extents,
$ a% V& n. H- W3 Q* s( q/ s8 Xcte13 D7 H7 ^/ N7 r8 w( r  y# M
WHERE owner = (SELECT SYS_CONTEXT('userenv', 'current_schema')2 \9 Q. s4 N/ j1 }" f1 M
FROM dual), {' ^# T5 ^5 y! T) V
AND segment_name = cte1.table_name)
1 K/ e! J& V1 m7 ]! s) F) QSELECT ROUND(SUM(mb), 0) || ' MB' AS ESTIMATED_SPACE
/ b9 t3 k2 S3 j7 l" H3 }FROM cte2;
- h4 a* m, A! o9 V
, v9 w6 r  Z8 a2 m/ r+ wReplace TABLE-NAME with the name of the given table./ M% x, j, t0 Y: ?

0 o, u3 V- p3 ]) Q, ?
8 V% |2 o) A& N1 D% q# L, Z6 k- q" ?8 a- f8 O
REM ==unzip ======
, Y+ _! X+ n8 I5 `- ^' p; e( I/ r" @) O+ {0 P) x; H; m5 z
TC_ROOT\install\install\unzip -o
4 i* d* }  j* H% f; H; @  H2 _7 d0 D$ h7 F

: i* m, O) A8 ^" F: w* Z; x, y
9 @9 c0 ]% V! q" d% ^' uREM ===Install patches on a Teamcenter server====& [: ]1 y" c0 ?' @2 H, |7 W
+ i4 i2 E( O2 c, _  ^
TEM--> updates manager - p- J' v1 J. y& M0 \3 r

, \+ u; X- p5 f$ E" s. `+ uREM === Update kit location :  //, ?& s2 `  `* v1 I8 d! V

$ b" x/ k; L7 V. k& ]) Q7 jAfter the server is successfully patched, you must manually update your TC_DATA directories.$ j' d) V- A. `8 x+ _$ x* F) c
a. Create backups of your current TC_DATA directories.
% M  V2 r- g; }* g. S- C) Bb. Expand the platform\tc\ file from the temporary location you created in step 1.
$ i1 I& o' Q4 U- h0 s  bc. Copy the expanded contents of the file to your TC_DATA directories, overwriting% ]* o6 S2 q/ @. w, B
existing files.
( T9 o  G, \2 R7 sd. Copy the tc_profilevars.bat file from the backup to the TC_DATA directory.- b) k9 N2 R0 ~7 p; u
9 K/ U9 }( A, f+ \
: s8 ~. x/ Z  n

  j9 W) o# p5 _( T4 n! U8 o) u1 @
5 M6 \# T& A7 J$ U9 X
+ Z9 d- R5 p) Y7 A' ?! e$ v8 ]5 R+ a/ i! ?1 O
========Patch the rich client using TEM7 H+ g1 l, _0 g  }+ m/ C6 e
========Patch the rich client using the Over-the-Web Installer2 t( Q% J8 r6 b" }
2 w0 c: X" _, N+ Z
$ ^. a/ X+ k9 m- a6 q3 H
a. Click Reinstall Solutions.4 j" [* @) Y# N6 {5 ~7 V
b. In the Reinstall Solution dialog box, click- t& j3 ^% I& ^
- d% ]0 M" t) {" Kc. In the Confirm dialog box, click Yes.
+ E0 y$ p, v5 `) r) r; ^& d; G  pd. In the Modify Required Context/ }4 h3 Q0 ^( m
Parameters dialog box, click OK to begin
3 O/ a3 J& X' l! L) npatching.* r) d# _! U! j0 S$ W. R* |8 u- m: O
e. After the patch is installed, click OK to; R7 S, i! d8 X
close the Progress dialog box.! Z  e) o8 r4 \* O& k" X2 z
9. In the Modify Web Application dialog box, click OK.
# k& `9 u% S" L4 ~/ G10. Exit the Web Application Manager.# u% n: F) E( N( i9 I6 Y
11. Copy the otwweb directory from your WEB_ROOT\staging-location\webapp_root directory" J+ w6 v: `. T, f. a$ p0 E
to your web server.3 W( G$ H$ F8 c1 D
12. Restart the distribution server.+ ?( q! f5 E" Z' K  \
' _) g' A* z' H1 c! d1 q
* c2 G. [5 I! d% @! k5 g+ U
=====Patch Lifecycle Visualization====; M/ I; i: \7 _

/ j5 W. g/ T. p4 m
2 A+ O$ t) g  K5 n! v# E2 l: v! F. D
===Patch the web tier======
3 w& x8 ^' I: X6 B
! K3 v# U. B; p% M' {4 U* ^

# I) d9 Q; v# O: C

2 @. L) `" b: r( M5 c* Q
, H  Z+ A. P: n3 j9 _
+ f& {0 ?8 m, n6 o& Q" [) Y
上海点团信息科技有限公司,承接UG NX,CATIA,CREO,Solidworks 等CAx软件,Teamcenter,3D Experience等PLM软件,工业4.0数字化软件的实施\二次开发\培训相关业务,详情QQ 939801026 Tel 18301858168 网址

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