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[资料] 为什么NX二次开发要使用新的block styler的原因?


2015-6-19 10:45:36 2817 0

admin 发表于 2015-6-19 10:45:36 |阅读模式

admin 楼主

2015-6-19 10:45:36


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The Block Styler is an interactive tool for designing NX dialogs.  Previous to the Block Styler, NX provided the User Interface Styler (UI Styler) for dialog creation.  The Block Styler enhances the capabilities of the UI Styler by using the same set of reusable blocks currently used by internal NX applications.  Using Blocks as the basic dialog building units ensures that NX has consistent behavior across all applications. By using the Block Styler your custom applications will share the same user interactions as used throUGhout NX.  Furthermore, the Block Styler provides platform independent dialogs.7 _+ X, @7 b" _: j+ I

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" u6 V) V; R2 W; O/ `$ [The UI Styler is still provided to support legacy user interfaces.  However, it is recommended that the Block Styler should be used for all new user interfaces or major changes to existing dialogs.
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Why Use Blocks
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3 [1 j; {) n9 V. b: a, ^8 vThe UI Styler defines dialogs composed of individual controls such as push buttons and input fields. The predefined behaviors of these controls are very basic and can be used to implement any number of actions within NX.   The Block Styler defines dialogs composed of Blocks of controls.  Although there is a full set of basic blocks, there are also sets of blocks that provide standard NX behaviours for actions that are common in graphical CAD/CAM/CAE applications.  For instance, there is a Specify Vector block that is composed of a label, a standard NX vector constructor button, a pull down list for standard inferred vector options and a reverse direction toggle.  This block is used throughout NX to let the user select or interactively define a vector. By using this block within your dialogs you save time by not having to implement the various options and you ensure that your application behaves as other NX applications.
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