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[资料] Teamcenter制造管理TCM操作的基本任务和过程


2016-4-25 22:46:28 5692 1

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admin 楼主

2015-8-4 11:00:14


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Manufacturing Process Management basic tasks
# i% y" l3 z" ~
8 w- k! o4 P% G# A9 Q! UTo create a manufacturing process plan, you can perform the following basic4 P- }. s: z2 e% m
tasks in the Manufacturing Process Management environment.
9 r3 D+ @, Z( t( L+ m0 N
2 S. l$ R- A* E! s! g$ g• Create a manufacturing process0 E! d4 D8 P* W
The manufacturing process plan includes a top-level structure of the
; @: w$ B2 {/ v* Q' B, Yprocess needed to manufacture the product, as well as a detailed design; U" T4 ^. @" `* c
of the individual processes and activities to be included in the plan. As
  @% z2 H/ j+ a* M) m% h0 g$ E8 Oyou build the process structure, you can assign resources to the various$ D/ K( O6 w% x: n& [0 B1 {7 X; H
processes, operations, and activities. You can also identify the specific9 z! L8 q3 }& E4 G
locations within the plant where each operation and activity is performed.9 q* ?1 l& R6 B. W- Z4 T3 q% O, O6 M
% U' v( @) h7 T: q* e6 Z$ F) f
o Load the product and the work area.
4 x# F- H; F8 P0 W! eo Create the process structure
# o) R  F6 V6 _0 po Create operations
1 S  u+ S5 P+ Fo Establish relationships between process, product, and work areas
6 Q  \/ G7 ?& w0 Lo Assign work areas
# H3 p; O3 F- s) _o Create activities under operations2 |+ v$ e5 E$ k7 v& S0 H& m+ K
o Add resources to operations
) {+ c" P$ b( |- [o Verify the manufacturing process
+ `) e, q, p: P5 V( j% w5 Fo Create structures with Microsoft Excel™: x& Z/ j: d1 B' I- D; h5 V4 w

! ^" p2 v$ E' Y6 h% P• Create a factory or plant structure
7 r3 D5 K) N3 w8 bPlant Designer allows you to design, modify, import, and export the
% P8 D0 y  h2 J+ Xstructure of the factory in which you build the product. You can provide  J. t# u) ^6 Y5 \9 J$ w
a view of the plant structure layout and organize the areas where the
  q# d& {$ B0 s' B+ tproduct is manufactured and assembled.
3 w$ ^& s$ _" X' r9 Z: z: `, \o Create and edit the plant structure# V# S( H8 M, b$ M
o Define work areas
1 ~! Y- ?4 K6 K9 r6 ko Manage plant structures and layouts6 ^0 Q8 v  o& c. P9 x& C
o Store model files in DWG format or as JT files for visualization
; u" N2 U! n0 D% B
5 Z3 G; ^) F7 t, b2 P5 I  `: F7 v• Create a preliminary data indicator (baseline)* o6 q# l/ X+ ^8 u' D5 }7 X* P: ?
You can create a preliminary data indicator (PDI) or baseline of a; L5 V# V. v' M% P7 E
manufacturing process that is in development. You can then release* ^8 g% [/ a) d$ }4 E( a2 L
the PDI to other users and external suppliers, who can then complete
0 Y  X6 x, s, jassociated work on the basis of the data in the PDI. You would normally
! B  E6 }! h5 N! d$ Z+ D5 zrelease PDIs at defined intervals, so that users know the effectivity of
% r6 X$ H" Y& ?; P, t8 ~# H- ithe data provided.' N) V8 Z+ |+ H$ U+ U0 O
, @" F2 u0 Y& U% g8 j
• Create an intermediate data capture" ~0 H! m# [& x* i% k/ t
You can capture the state of any structure or part of a structure for
) q  R% Q' p2 e* f) ssubsequent retrieval and viewing. This capture data does not represent
7 m5 u: U+ Z% _6 ythe final released state of the structure, so it is referred to as an
  Z' X( @% Y7 f& ^3 t3 f% @intermediate data capture (IDC). The configuration rules are saved
9 P) D4 ]5 i1 V" jwith the structure allowing its exact state at the time of capture to be. a# g) @( H# j
reproduced each time it is retrieved. Creating an IDC does not affect any( o- Z8 |$ P; L, j
subsequent changes to the structure or its release by a Workflow process.; ^% H. q! R0 k# k

5 j, G% H0 e3 r! O• Create reports* O) l+ u5 H' F6 L0 E; l
You can create reports in the rich client or the thin client, and attach them% D/ q5 _" \5 B, @; d* ^
to appropriate nodes in your process structures.. e7 A, s6 C% ?. k5 N

1 ?1 \6 I( [; r* a• Performing process simulations/ V' k3 s5 v; |2 f
The Process Simulate application allows you to perform detailed9 i3 _- @* T6 g6 ~1 N. `
simulations of process structures that are maintained in Teamcenter.
7 w* w! L1 e( W/ P& L# v6 O
  ^$ f. ~/ |" g% M9 I2 ^1 D• Design a fixture for manufacturing# }1 V9 o2 Y% p/ i1 L: x2 j
When you design a fixture to use in a manufacturing operation, you must
: m$ K; q4 }( i, Rknow the state of the product in the manufacturing process in which
, j' g; H9 q+ U5 x4 }1 a3 A6 lthe fixture is consumed. You also should know the factory components
6 A3 F: w) E+ o1 y- min which the operation is performed, and the relative positions of the+ w5 p' a" b# b& Y5 _
in-process workpiece and the factory data.8 _; t. n: d5 n& N, x5 l

1 X% f! B' p" L- J8 ?8 T: ~$ N* w0 {5 n/ x8 F8 ]: G5 ]  J3 m  J
上海点团信息科技有限公司,承接UG NX,CATIA,CREO,Solidworks 等CAx软件,Teamcenter,3D Experience等PLM软件,工业4.0数字化软件的实施\二次开发\培训相关业务,详情QQ 939801026 Tel 18301858168 网址

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ericp 发表于 2016-4-25 22:46:28

ericp 沙发

2016-4-25 22:46:28

上海点团信息科技有限公司,承接UG NX,CATIA,CREO,Solidworks 等CAx软件,Teamcenter,3D Experience等PLM软件,工业4.0数字化软件的实施\二次开发\培训相关业务,详情QQ 939801026 Tel 18301858168 网址
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