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[资料] NX9.0 CAE 仿真 新功能 what‘s new ---转载官方


2013-11-7 07:58:20 3472 0

admin 发表于 2013-11-7 07:58:20 |阅读模式

admin 楼主

2013-11-7 07:58:20


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NX9.0 CAE 仿真 新功能 what‘s new ---转载官方
# \! a5 }+ G# s: C1 \
& I( d0 s6 i# A& C6 m) W6 @! S; f/ Z- nNX 9 for Simulation, [! h0 t3 R& D  B5 T; l
Make Smarter Engineering Decisions
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Simulation is a critical part of the product engineering process, and Siemens PLM Software continues to invest in extending the multii-discipline simulation capabilities within NX for structural, thermal, flow, motion, multiphysics and optimization applications. NX 9 for Simulation introduces new capabilities and enhancements in NX CAE and NX Nastran to help you make smarter engineering decisions.
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NX CAE is a modern simulation environment for performing structural, thermal, flow, motion, multiphysics and optimization analyses. NX CAE 9 introduces new capabilities in all of these areas, including:
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  • Mesh morphing to conform existing meshes to slightly modified geometry
  • Laminate composite dynamic simulation to analyze structural performance resulting from vibration
  • New parallel thermal solver to reduce thermal simulation solution time for large models
  • Interactive articulation options for motion analysis
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) u% M; k& Y! eAvailable as a standalone solver or integrated in NX CAE, NX Nastran is the premier FEA solver for computational performance, accuracy, reliability and scalability. NX Nastran 9 introduces a number of enhancements, including:0 W) R1 W* P* S4 q# f" B& O

    9 I2 Q% a$ t/ `. u6 l3 x
  • Rotor dynamics enhancements to simulate the performance of rotating machinery
  • Improved performance for large-scale normal modes and frequency response dynamics solutions
  • Modeling and workflow improvements such as bolt preloading using solid elements for nonlinear analyses, A  P- o9 {+ J4 H6 o( ?
上海点团信息科技有限公司,承接UG NX,CATIA,CREO,Solidworks 等CAx软件,Teamcenter,3D Experience等PLM软件,工业4.0数字化软件的实施\二次开发\培训相关业务,详情QQ 939801026 Tel 18301858168 网址

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