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[资料] 为什么选择 Block Styler作为最新的NX 开发界面?


2013-11-8 15:54:42 3781 0

admin 发表于 2013-11-8 15:54:42 |阅读模式

admin 楼主

2013-11-8 15:54:42


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The Block Styler is an interactive tool for designing NX dialogs. Previous to0 _, ^4 Z" G9 [, y6 ?7 a2 N, R; N
the Block Styler, NX provided the User Interface Styler (UI Styler) for dialog
$ ^7 j5 P# L+ ^4 K9 P7 [3 y9 D2 Ycreation. The Block Styler enhances the capabilities of the UI Styler by using0 J. i# U" ?0 n8 L" H
the same set of reusable blocks currently used by internal NX applications.  Z2 }" v4 l* w
Using Blocks as the basic dialog building units ensures that NX has, t) \5 A: e9 {
consistent behavior across all applications. By using the Block Styler your! K+ }3 }, ?6 q: z2 J
custom applications will share the same user interactions as used throUGhout
7 o+ V0 d0 {1 W4 o; iNX. Furthermore, the Block Styler provides platform independent dialogs.
/ v2 I# R7 e& m, ?4 T* d, z' l  pThe UI Styler is still provided to support legacy user interfaces.
7 M& r) J: D1 m4 FHowever, it is recommended that the Block Styler should be used for all
0 O; X2 Y: R1 y8 Enew user interfaces or major changes to existing dialogs.
: e$ D* e3 O8 R6 @# @5 n/ Z
( c: i7 }; o8 O( y, cThe UI Styler defi nes dialogs composed of individual controls such as push
) t( ^; X6 r% [. k1 i6 Mbuttons and input fi elds . The predefi ned behaviors of these controls are very
: ?8 p/ @! c# S5 U- n6 }7 Ebasic and can be used to implement any number of actions within NX. The. [' G% U5 m& D( y" L6 U* b
Block Styler defi nes dialogs composed of Blocks of controls. Although there is
) H$ J' _& V8 f+ ^/ i! C* D* qa full set of basic blocks, there are also sets of blocks that provide standard6 t" |! ^1 }! u5 l
NX behaviours for actions that are common in graphical CAD/CAM/CAE
" o6 T! g. T& q  D4 @applications. For instance, there is a Specify Vector block that is composed of
  K, K4 W; e: p+ C, na label, a standard NX vector constructor button, a pull down list for standard
/ M6 u7 @& Y+ N; a) M# t. Rinferred vector options and a reverse direction toggle. This block is used  ^- f' ~- m) W
throughout NX to let the user select or interactively defi ne a vector. By using
8 k$ P* W! _1 Mthis block within your dialogs you save time by not having to implement; y5 E( t  Z5 U
the various options and you ensure that your application behaves as other
! ?) }5 X, X! c1 o% k8 K& JNX applications.( A7 p6 g% m8 v, l! r: H
/ J6 ?2 J* u/ z3 s; I, i6 M7 y  n$ u8 i4 v
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