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[帮助文档] Teamcenter active workspace 中组件的详细介绍Component details


2013-11-28 20:15:30 7853 0

admin 发表于 2013-11-28 20:15:30 |阅读模式

admin 楼主

2013-11-28 20:15:30


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Component details. K6 r) i8 ?" D, d
There are several components to the Active Workspace Client.8 v) q1 G+ X$ _) h
•    Active Workspace Client data model1 V/ ?9 U7 Q: E% X7 e/ A
The data model is the client-specifi c   model required for the Active Workspace
" J+ U  B+ V# r' u% eClient feature.  It is installed as the Active Workspace extension to the
7 ~4 _* w# R; Z2 |Corporate Server using Teamcenter Environment Manager (TEM).* u0 u& t- ^0 C, B" c
•    awc.war file7 Q  {9 u2 X& T# g8 Q3 [  X
The awc.war file    is an additional deployment.  This fil e    is generated and
2 X& Q5 c' U6 \configured    by selecting the Active Workspace Client solution in TEM, with all3 ~8 o: M; Q5 j) c# ]+ L
features that contribute to the Active Workspace Client.
/ g6 e" @, T& s- t0 k( F, sThis .war file   can be deployed on the same application server that hosts the
1 D5 f1 H2 b4 J8 k6 [& YTC.ear file   and the Teamcenter J2EE middle tier. This is the user facing web
0 E$ [% M2 b' g6 c& D6 Mapplication and serves as the host to web proxies that connect to the existing
) V' q) n4 a4 E0 w. V0 u7 X. ^Teamcenter SOA and File Services. You must deploy the awc.war fil e   on an
7 ?6 d. D# y0 N& Hexisting server, much like the traditional Teamcenter web client (J2EE middle
' [# k9 q9 |1 v* Q4 gtier).
5 X6 h6 i8 e4 Z* M' i( h•    Visualization Server Manager& B" {% _- Y# Q: G8 O7 \+ y$ S
The Active Workspace Client delivers 3D visualization throUGh a pool of5 ^9 M% P! |* Y  z% K) L
rendering servers. Each server runs a single Visualization Server Manager
/ {% M  E9 }3 d& Y+ X5 kcomponent, which manages as many VisServer rendering processes as required.
5 K8 x) w/ P' RFor Active Workspace Client 2.0, only a single rendering server is supported.
3 I$ Q- e( Y1 u- K% Z9 K0 B( LNote       You cannot run the Visualization Server Manager on a virtual machine
' E% b# L3 n' s' q7 z
as it requires hardware graphics support.
; |+ J6 z0 x1 |7 X0 [
. Y3 l. X! G) P3 a# K% d6 x& [* J•    TcFTSIndexer client

3 s+ j$ W/ V6 j; `& U5 u$ {5 hThis is a 4-tier client used to export Teamcenter data for importing into the$ F0 j: ^! h9 m/ h3 T# d& g% z
Solr database. It uses Dispatcher to execute Query, TieExport, Transform
* _2 [( D/ a) N, \0 aand load operations.  This is installed and configured    by selecting the Full
8 V; z$ q+ Z5 c: iText Search Indexer feature in TEM, and by installing Dispatcher with
7 \; Y) L$ a6 e- v/ |) Ptcftsindexer_queryuids, tcftsindexer_tieexport, tcftsindexer_transform,
8 X. d6 s/ ]9 L5 b- o  aand tcftsindexer_load services. The TcFTSIndexer is run directly for the0 k' w, M' r( T: F
initial indexing and run periodically (scheduled) for subsequent updates.) Z2 a' r( v) D) D8 k
•    Solr database
7 V- o% Z/ X5 [  {0 t- oA Solr database is required for storing Teamcenter data for full-text search. This) c) I  }5 i# v
can be an existing deployment or installed specifically    for use by the Active/ I& @. d' P1 z
Workspace Client. If an existing installation is used, there are configuratio n    and
/ }# _+ R" f7 w, O3 T# M7 C$ Fschema changes required to accommodate the Teamcenter data.
1 C* g1 a: K/ a) m* [0 Q3 R* o& l3 I$ D/ H4 B8 V% q% d

( f" x5 K& `& ^8 i
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