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[资料] 普通用户无法登陆, 而 administrator 用户组中的用户可以登


2014-8-4 09:03:36 3585 0

admin 发表于 2014-8-4 09:03:36 |阅读模式

admin 楼主

2014-8-4 09:03:36


您需要 登录 才可以下载或查看,没有账号?注册


% p" L& s1 V/ g9 j 普通用户无法登陆, 而 administrator 用户组中的用户可以登陆 PD/PS
7 F9 w1 w3 I4 Z2 j
6 L. o0 C* F' P" f! g症状 ! y9 c# H  S# S) i% F0 Z8 e
普通用户无法登陆,而 administrator 用户组中的用户可以登陆 PD/PS
+ g# C: b0 t* P: |  [2 L% U3 E5 d* D9 P' ?' ~
* U  G9 B" T' t3 V. k4 \请在 eMServer 和客户端做如下设置,问题就可以解决. 1 Q. F- I: H. S. H; \" X0 r# x

5 N' q0 m, J. oeMServer   Y. k: E# `; ]1 S
-------------- 2 p4 c/ Q3 Z4 H' ^; ~9 Q
Control Panel - Administrative Tools - Component Services (Alternative: Start - Run:
: f+ Q5 `: w7 T' H: \+ D- U"dcomcnfg") * ~5 z: {' [$ J+ a6 n
-> Console Root - Component Services - Computers - My Computer - Properties - Default 3 _0 V' {# u* S/ g' X9 X0 W' D. w* W) m- U
Properties: Enable Distributed COM on this computer            
* u  U4 [3 S9 `2 t3 T-> Console Root - Component Services - Computers - My Computer - Properties - COM ) r6 K# \+ E0 y
Security - Edit Limits/Edit Defaults (all): Add "Everyone" with full access % Q# ~+ }/ r1 O  y& ]3 X
-> Console Root - Component Services - Computers - My Computer - Stop MS DTC -> / Start 0 z% ~( E* g  y3 k( A
+ L4 e& Q$ U6 N9 D' K-> Console Root - Component Services - Computers - My Computer - COM+
/ c! _0 i! B% @- r, p" n5 p) p$ HApplications                                         / Z3 c0 V! j: j' q: ]: @
-> eM-Server - Properties - Advanced: uncheck "Disable changes"
8 z+ A* b- I. T-> eM-Server - Properties - Identity: "This user" - Enter a (domain) user with local administration / H' a% b2 L2 X1 ]. v; ^
permissions # Y+ h8 z8 i( D9 m" L
-> Console Root - Component Services - Computers - My Computer - DCOM Config 5 C  K' r8 x& U" A, H
-> eMSAgent - Properties - Location - Run application on this computer " j; z6 w) L4 H# _1 q9 R, ^; A
-> eMSAgent - Properties - Security - Edit (3x): Add "Everyone" with full access - `; z4 ~5 f# s" E2 P( Z
-> eMSAgent - Properties - Identity: "This user" - Enter a (domain) user with local administration
0 {' e# r5 @" w! Gpermissions   T2 w2 v0 s4 j2 V! w8 j

, o5 ]9 p- X6 w0 a7 oCLIENT " r. n5 h0 |/ x
8 V; n9 J% K* A-> Console Root - Component Services - Computers - My Computer - Properties
. y1 C; w+ X. D6 I! E--> COM Security - 2x Edit Limits, Edit Defaults - Add Everyone - All permissions for all users " e2 d/ g9 n" e$ V9 }! P
-> Console Root - Component Services - Computers - My Computer - DCOM Config
$ K; z: M" o! X( _2 H/ s- q- w-> eMSAgent - Properties - Location - Run application on the following computer "<eMServer>" 8 t* t" u) ]3 E9 {
-> eMSAgent - Properties - Security - 3x Customize - Edit - Add Everyone - All permissions for
% P8 l& u% v: G: {! a% Jall users
9 s: z& h; H& G3 V3 R' `1 S' U-> eMSAgent - Properties - Identity: "This user" - Enter a (domain) user with local administration
$ U, ~/ O, c3 ipermissions
/ y8 M4 y- I, z5 D0 \+ s-> eMServer - Properties - Location - Run application on the following computer "<eMServer>"
0 E/ s0 c3 O5 O+ _- d/ r-> eMServer - Properties - Security - 3x Customize - Edit - Add Everyone - All permissions for all
- V/ ?! f. a7 N) e7 f/ C; Vunsers 3 m; q7 s# C' \: v* q$ }
-> eMServer - Properties - Identity: "This user" - Enter a (domain) user with local administration
8 R3 h5 y' a- G1 Gpermissions (eMSAgent 和 eMServer 依赖于安装的版本. 有些版本只有一个 DCOM 服务.) ( u1 S8 F- D: Z7 [' m
(运行服务的用户需要是同一个用户, 包括使用同样的密码, 在服务器和客户端上。) + f/ B- c+ @' v8 k7 ~! s) s
检查是否用户在 Distributed COM users 组中(Computer Management -> Local Users
. D5 g8 E2 l9 M% b& K# Eand Groups -> Distributed COM users)
) D) Z. e: F: j- q检查一下防火墙的设置,检查是否 Tecnomatix 应用程序 (Tune.exe) 和 eMPlanner.exe
5 g/ Y$ ~+ g; f4 X7 \被添加到防火墙的例外中去了。
) O3 r2 V" D* S/ s& J% _
( H# c0 W- H5 i' V/ N
上海点团信息科技有限公司,承接UG NX,CATIA,CREO,Solidworks 等CAx软件,Teamcenter,3D Experience等PLM软件,工业4.0数字化软件的实施\二次开发\培训相关业务,详情QQ 939801026 Tel 18301858168 网址

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