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NX12.0.2 新功能--- 运行时NXBIN目录问题--UGII_ROOT_DIR废弃
% u6 Q3 O3 p- w W; d' t1 ?7 @0 t; l7 J; |6 C* `
从NX 11开始,帮助您找到可执行文件和库,并将它们与configuration区分开来3 J) |" s" @- n! \- Y3 m* X4 s
+ A$ S, c# H' C7 |0 I5 n使用JAR文件。中央运行时目录将更新,因为NX支持更多和不同应用。$ ^" C6 o# P3 @+ ]9 R* W. z
5 C6 S$ L. W( h; N9 s
m* L L" E& h5 Z8 Y' S' R0 d7 |% ]* [NXBIN目录
, w$ e: e$ h0 d$ } m运行时目录NXBIN在UGII_BASE_DIR \ nxbin的所有平台上创建 K/ a! F( j# O$ M, ^' s
NX安装期间的位置。根据选择安装的内容,库和. L* A: _ g5 {1 R. q3 C* Y
在安装期间,来自不同工具包的可执行文件将合并到中央运行时目录中& p4 U. {/ E& o4 e5 [- l: O6 W- H) r
处理。- a% v' Q) ]4 `$ E$ q
新的NX运行时目录不包含所有二进制文件和可执行文件。只有最频繁的, o# U7 B1 G! x- D# N+ b1 T
已移动以下目录中使用过的文件:! g6 P! [7 V( `5 o# x
* _; S2 k8 S& j+ B- Q, t: {% h
- n6 D, }9 W6 X3 k* f0 _6 x• UGII
$ F, ]* N3 |% ]# X2 r2 z' T• UGMANAGER
0 d7 l( W4 E4 j2 F• STEP203UG
+ B& z; u! p& W• STEP214UG% P5 J+ j6 F, @) P9 l" b3 k
! G# k0 o7 f, n0 M! b: n& y$ N• MACH
+ s- d- y6 R# U, u+ ^" O/ g" \) x
UGII_ROOT_DIR has historically been used to fi n d the following in the UGII directory:! S: g. \9 `6 q8 v+ e; y
• Libraries and executables' u/ _; b8 P; x" t
• Confi guratio n fi le s
8 T; u5 l h @6 W& I3 p5 kWith the creation of the central runtime directory, there are two different locations for these fi le s
) \# k- @3 e" K, p(nxbin and ugii), so the concept of UGII_ROOT_DIR is obsoleted. Use the UGII_BASE_DIR variable
! l5 W1 b# r+ H V1 j' q- \1 xinstead when you write custom application code and scripts.
1 Z. ?! W& M% q1 V/ E) t YWhile the NX install no longer sets UGII_ROOT_DIR, the defi nitio n on the system will remain to
3 H' R, l2 K8 a4 M! Msupport earlier releases. If your code or scripts rely on UGII_ROOT_DIR, modify them to ensure
% t' B- s) M; ?) ^2 R" q- n0 z) ^6 |they work in NX 12.
: }" Q* s3 e! o" J
8 \' t6 a: _7 c, H. F9 j" X- f- u! @
/ N9 m! L0 W" i: I3 M7 z
! P1 m' g, J1 p0 K: c' `4 h3 @9 S* Q