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[新功能] NX 10.0.1mp2及mp1 修复的问题列表,大家可以参考下


2015-5-5 20:36:32 6230 0

mildcat 发表于 2015-5-5 20:36:32 |阅读模式

mildcat 楼主

2015-5-5 20:36:32


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NX 10.0.1mp2 修复的问题列表,大家可以参考下
& @1 t, M, G. \1 }" I如果你有遇到这种问题,可以尝试升级你的NX版本!

+ k7 i% R  i* R( X* F, u0 O
/ s- |$ x3 b9 S* M' O2 q6 h' n6 }
; m/ ~$ t, n! B  E. D
MP14 D+ s! X  V- M: }' e, Q# R! R
6 [* Y9 |6 A; h9 u8 DNX crashes when the user swiTChes between Family Template and an assembly.8 ^, g$ h: O$ o6 |+ Q
" y2 F5 C2 z# c! Q4 \4 V' w69753517 W2 a  b+ n/ E4 h; Q
Need 4GD Capability to Limit Realization by Item Type9 U( D1 ]5 K) s
MP1( u# g. m3 z' S; Z
7132153+ u: Q1 t& f% }6 x7 ?1 T8 N
Fixed contour operation cut region tool collision avoidance gives internal error
+ S* s( S7 X* s( [$ ]. ?/ UMP1; R4 K: x$ k- M2 }  U' Z
7172245: X& s% Y, M! d! {  l/ \  d5 p
Routing SAC, length attribute missing from part in 4GD workset
/ n2 v5 l+ c, h% f( c) cMP1
- ?+ p- O1 ]* }- X7254028
3 S* `6 I! Z3 Z1 l5 nNX Cannot save after delete trim angle curve
" o' k, e; J$ U7 N% ~MP1- }1 S5 L7 D& D! @! x1 \1 s# D
7254771% }: N8 i& H" H5 o: e: d; w, Y
NX Part Family Assemblies fail in TcVis0 u# |& F" ~3 d) r! [
2 c0 T; {' v! h; `1 C0 L7270769( Q; J1 A' ]! L0 o" Y
Deformed part reverts to un-deformed condition after Part family Part Update.
1 N0 ^9 Q' n; U' e% r$ \/ YMP1
8 B, p& b+ E6 E. i# @( J7277787
9 u" O6 p% Q" [% @% @6 SUnable to specify Boundary in Planar Mill operations.+ M0 o6 k: n" N8 P
1 ^. c/ @4 A, k, d8 \4 Q7281263
$ W! e, C1 @# J# ?+ E- JWeld Advisor issue with the Fault result on Point Face2 e- u* r/ w; v0 _6 E% t5 S% `' e
' F1 r2 Q6 Y% Y0 `% X+ P- Q6 [7281599: P3 C; i5 X/ ~$ Z  C
Unnecessary splines are created while changing options in "3D Curve Blend.", S  w- P9 `* `; B
% w" g, i' _+ z- k0 m/ f* _! p7283968; R- C* k2 [  i4 z
Delete User defined Motion, all other axes are gone in Machine Tool Builder
5 _8 J8 m# g- ^+ U& [) `8 H, @MP1
& l% J% Q+ ~. i7 h7286609  C& o" T' w5 f: a3 ]  I9 u  ]
Can't perform a unbend operation on a sheet metal part, when has define pre-bend." P2 s% X; D* {
# [2 p' d( S1 A. B( k/ Y' g7293558; F6 `6 l, p7 w1 Q# X
Using PartCollection.Iterator doesn't work in NX 10
- ^! @: v# x5 `3 u$ VMP1! K/ P0 F3 L  _  T  B
7293644, l# j7 x* k7 R
Manufacturing-Turning-Groove tool definitions incorrect when tracking is changed
# K2 O/ V3 B/ K* v) [2 FMP1
# w, z* i2 ^+ @$ S. h% O. E7294550
: |0 b3 e% x: ZAutomated Pipe Welding Error4 N  ^1 g! }- b  ~2 l: v
MP1. e' D+ D4 b7 `' }0 O0 O# Q
72962098 l1 b. @" s1 Z- B5 `2 B+ E
Boundaries created with Boundary Manager unelectable in Planar Mill op3 k& `4 C. }  q
MP1! Y5 _6 m2 |+ J4 e; N
8 P! l. O$ [8 ~3 ?" v) f+ O, mThe Highlighting remains ON in the Motion Simulation5 k$ G) [# p' T) J5 x
$ S7 i% ?2 X0 d8 n% S! Q& g7299945
% f3 J  o3 m6 F- U+ u% i* g# STurning - groove tool graphical display is wrong.4 Q  J* d+ }- I* e. @( i" M7 u
MP16 w! @! m+ ^1 w9 ~; x
7300284" ]* u: ^1 v# ]/ k
Automated Pipe Welding Doesn't Support Welding Pipe to Pipe
+ Z2 [* K% z  M* h2 l$ }9 F* k2 XMP10 B* V2 d( l$ A# s! G3 W; [
7300291& X; U. ~5 r  g3 S4 n
Automated Pipe Welding Doesn't Support Welding Fitting to Fitting  R5 a$ Z" C- k: Q9 ?
, V* B) `# \3 Z, w7300296
2 y% t' f6 T& W. k0 UAutomated Pipe Welding Permanently Changes Preference0 q, A) y( {. Y: `/ i& K: f
2 p  j1 ^  v2 @; n8 m8 p- e0 n7305632
4 F  b. {8 Y* L+ b0 tPartCollection iterator fails in NX10
3 b6 I- j6 r4 B4 mMP1
- Z: {4 B3 b; I0 b# W7312970; `1 p, Q- r0 }5 _% k
Unable to pick faces to define a fixed contour boundary drive operation: i) E; f8 |4 V, |- {1 M$ Q1 p( ^: f% b
; y2 e/ v/ g! {8 E7315737+ m- p' z' t( l5 R- j
Tool tracking point displayed wrongly for grooving tool.- D# {; N/ S7 h+ k+ E0 E: l$ u
MP16 |: y7 ?" ?6 Z* O( ]
73176822 u: ]  D* G' k/ c0 I, B
IPW error when trying to verify tool path in 3D Dynamic6 }: f4 i/ ^7 d" k
% R. B" b( [0 o$ J0 p" a8252492) o% ~8 f9 {  R/ H6 b
Part save failed after delete unused Elements and old geometry elements available! m( n5 \; _* e6 }( M
$ a4 ]' V* Z0 e6 L6 ]$ l8262148$ S; G6 e$ x# r" T- d
CAM: Tool display fails -> Internal error: memory access violation
& ~2 z8 J* V$ t: {& ~2 Z7 J3 Q5 W6 F& `- Z2 T" J

3 g, `1 m& M+ H; e: J# R9 c7 z7 D& m. I
* t( J1 G9 Z+ R% ORelease# i; _0 j6 q6 E' @) F
PR Number+ p- b2 \+ T, u' b" M7 {
Problem Description. ]8 m$ Z* d$ F. C$ r
MP22 W3 ^2 M% |7 e/ D; I, n$ s4 @
71910327 U3 H9 d8 D5 D- c; c5 x4 `* y8 H
NX-View Updates in Drafting6 F4 q' ^1 n/ P
MP27 I4 J; {1 Y9 D$ [/ h4 g" T
( Z) @* B- \, m: }! I! w  ]Internal error when trying to open a drawing- `( F& _4 X& l5 D2 [9 z! j
+ G9 J+ b( X2 P$ a" u' |7259542& U! d1 U, M, s! ~
NX returns an Internal Error when opening a drawing if the UGmaster is open
/ H* O2 Q3 `7 b2 N7 _! k. ]MP2
' I/ |7 g* R9 l5 W7260603
( i6 ]0 k6 W+ ]cannot open the drawing if the part is already open
  N' F; H. ~% o+ }MP2. X; |+ O% }  V) b
! \$ z0 o/ ^; yDrawing fails to open, if model opened first and modified6 m9 S7 e- o  `) K6 p) @
% Y* r1 X" E1 d7 f- c8 @7 v, ~72709037 w, Y2 Z$ o( r! U) F1 ?% N( S8 n
Unable to open SolidWorks 2015 part or assembly files
( U1 `. H# {- F, M0 EMP28 Z) V$ x: M5 ~5 }5 ~/ N5 }
72760521 Z4 o) ~4 W, k: h0 G; x
JT file for override does not contain correct refset information
' j# W& b5 ?! {! R4 e5 tMP2
" F8 I' U6 Z4 b: ]2 [: z5 f7278612  {/ _' m2 I' c$ u$ p
Unable to open SolidWorks 2015 part or assembly files
% x$ @: h4 _) t2 k) O4 z5 }MP2
6 M9 [3 c7 |& F; L$ u/ z7286985
! i6 S" S+ T# ^( E% F0 o  k! jCannot open the drawing if the part is already open
* g; V. q9 B4 \  a) ?& e8 r$ m7 HMP2+ I: q$ f# e9 i+ `5 H, X
7287204- u8 Y. s: w$ _" _: b& y
PMI not displaying properly in JT files generated by ugtopv.exe utility NX9' Z% W7 P, d) F+ u* R- I: C
% i! b$ t9 C( L7293181) V, Y: S4 e; |/ k% [2 I1 U8 z
Using Find Feature disturb any VIEW dependent manipulation (FIT ; PAN ; ZOOM)
% ~/ g: G7 H7 M6 f( AMP20 `6 \/ U$ E9 F8 \: E
7296169$ R  [- l  R9 f6 u& c
Cannot open a 2015 Solidworks file in NX9 the PLM XML document failed to load
9 K. R/ C) j# k' bMP26 T' `2 u/ I; q, q( O: P
3 \. j; m! y1 ~- Y% g- Y3 IExported jt assembly doesn’t display correctly when turning on Model Views3 e$ [1 L' R3 g3 s
MP22 Q- a# |! ?% C" Y2 t3 Q! n
0 v& V( M7 O0 u; ^Thread hole milling doesn’t update Tap Drill Size.
2 Q0 s9 z: {* p$ `7 o) \7 GMP2
  ?( Z8 t& N5 t& c5 q7314018
4 O4 h2 Z8 i; K0 d, O. Z7 I. Fugtopv jt -single_part creation changes load_options and loads all parts6 K5 G# J' T3 V" F9 f9 i
MP23 J% @. i% P8 ?) ~# l" M* ?
73187959 q9 g% H' ?4 T: @9 x
Significant meshing speed decrease of CHEXA elements in NX10.0.1.4/ }0 U( @5 d6 l) a
MP26 E6 Q: Y4 W7 l2 ^  E
73211000 {0 w1 _9 y4 c0 f6 E8 g
Graphic window freezes when a Find Feature is run to Parasolid model.* s( b# h8 @# F# u3 s5 e/ {' s
5 m/ q6 _- N3 @- \% G7321742
' U) A( W7 {6 J6 lGraphics window freezes after parametric feature recognition of SE part5 X% H! D) Z2 C) X4 {
MP20 k" H+ g* z. o& c7 }
7323594$ I1 ^- W4 o7 ~9 o# W7 ^
NX CAM graphics lock when Hole or Boss geom group -Solid Edge generated part.! u. D' A$ [- i
0 M# |7 V' ]1 h+ T4 w; l9 _' J7332095
9 u5 D( K: H' WNX 10.0.1 Very slow with certain operations( T8 x. f: D# H$ f0 [
+ v  Y+ q# [" e' A8251827
  _" j" s2 S3 XV5 to NX translator does not translate mirrored components correctly
0 {$ t: t  C) A" o6 J' U! rMP2" P' a( W9 s5 T3 S' O
1 s" J4 \' L- K$ n+ |7 NFailure to open MIRROR prt in NX ^5 ?$ d/ S' d+ Y3 v
( @; B" J, L6 ]8259517; A# Y% m  c- E8 h" }$ o! Q/ w
Failure to open drawing prt in NX  ~3 ?& E& O% v/ Y8 z
+ T8 v2 C5 l: p: l3 T3 c8 D9 }! V8259822
5 e5 ?1 \2 o& f& t8 T$ cCause for the message: A material with this name already exists
6 U, b# r6 e2 vMP2
+ i9 ?' B. r7 E% D& d82630427 }( R2 n, W( A5 _9 Z. ]& Q6 T4 q( S" e
Thread hole milling doesn’t update Tap Drill Size in NX10.0.1.
6 E! _& K+ C0 v) E# b, w& z2 ~MP2
) f# I$ I1 W" g/ q8263263
# V* G( p* B. q* v! mUpdate status not correct4 i2 u5 G9 J0 b# g( w9 N
: B% I% e5 |7 z1 S  _( A82644189 V% q  N+ p( |* D1 L
Planes and axes of linked CSYS appear to be disassociated from the CSYS tripod! J# C3 G  e0 {: ^5 L! w" @
MP2. a9 r: R# W0 {1 D& t
82648633 k& R- ~5 \' E' g1 g9 k$ h
NX freezes ca. 3 min or more when expand Polygon Geometry with 156 objects0 U( z: \: e) ^4 G9 K' R; L

4 a/ B  D& K5 \  n
; j  Z6 o+ k0 @
3 U9 W# o3 i9 d
/ q* X4 q1 q0 q+ |

/ K+ v/ j8 y2 W( ]( t0 G' a

$ Y& `# t' y: Q! c) D- G
) q* P$ ?9 L, a; N- B+ `- Q

  c; R. x, N$ y5 z9 w$ Y3 t2 Y" D) a% v, H  W1 f% N# J
/ D+ ~0 i0 @3 u# `: _

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