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[新功能] NX9.0 CAD新功能 what‘s new ---转载官方


2013-11-7 07:54:59 4907 1

admin 发表于 2013-11-7 07:51:16 |阅读模式

admin 楼主

2013-11-7 07:51:16


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4 {- v7 K" L$ P$ Z+ o- P
+ t! J9 p/ w# d" t& k5 Z% }NX 9 for Design
3 C. A& Q6 |7 _- F8 z3 r+ p0 @What’s New in NX CAD
4 e' \# Y' F  }+ b* i0 P# p( yNX CAD 9 offers new and enhanced capabilities for product design, from concept throUGh detailed engineering and documentation. NX 9 introduces new 3D CAD modeling techniques, improved 2D design and drafting, a streamlined user interface, faster access to PLM information, and a robust platform for concurrent engineering of complex products.
# _. O% n4 C) H/ _0 LGreater Productivity with 2D – Synchronous Technology
6 q9 x: k9 A7 ^/ `, J

: [/ L9 j4 V* x                               

, g7 p' Q) x! C: _" [' eWith NX 9 for Design, you can edit 2D geometry with unprecedented speed and ease. Synchronous technology has been extended to enable fast, intuitive editing of 2D profiles. You can improve efficiency with accelerated, easy-to-understand design changes that work with geometry from multiple CAD systems.
# }, ~! Z4 F2 L& O# _# W" g
6 Z% n  {+ I* `+ ~Faster Concept Development, Freeform Modeling " @% Y/ F, f# b9 o
$ h- \5 x2 N8 l8 F
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* D1 L$ h! r- \0 U; V2 V% d/ h9 b
NX 9 for Design introduces Realize Shape, a new task environment for freeform design that uses fast and intuitive subdivision modeling technology. Realize Shape offers you easy-to-use, flexible tools for creating advanced freeform shapes, with in-context analysis and visualization. Real-time ray-traced rendering in NX 9 displays inter-object reflections and refractions to help optimize product aesthetics.  i& R0 n3 F6 l5 O
More Power for Collaborative Design – 4GD
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, T+ l1 _8 s) Q                               

) X, R1 y' A1 Z. |' V+ e
/ ?4 G9 c( `/ D+ `4 ]1 h
7 h% X% d% Z0 f, o, |2 S8 K1 S/ XNX 9 improves the design of large-scale products and projects with 4th Generation Design (4GD), a new design and data management paradigm that enables versatile and efficient methods for design in context and design collaboration. Currently implemented in Siemens solutions for the marine industry, the component-based 4GD approach enables concurrent design in multiple configurations, and is scalable to products with millions of components.
% ?: k; a! r; a5 c' mHigh-Definition Experience Improves Decision-Making
: M4 s$ G/ P% _% x
* I' C9 {. O+ n9 v) l9 x% y

) g2 x) R+ L7 g& X- G9 u  x, [; B                               
8 J0 N1 b( Q; Y  x2 G% Z

5 K5 B) J# Y8 n1 P* lNX 9 enhances the High-Definition PLM experience by embedding Active Workspace 2.0, the innovative new interface to Siemens’ Teamcenter software. You can choose the simple, graphically engaging Active Workspace to quickly find relevant information – parts, tasks, workflows, requirements and specifications – even from multiple external data sources. This streamlined access to the right information, in context, dramatically reduces the time spent looking for data and improves decision-making.
% [, ?' Q6 ^6 J% H& H! }8 G5 [6 p. [% @: e& zFull-Cycle Design Productivity 2 u3 Q7 P! D9 K) C# B) Q4 B# Z

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* i; w) F# T1 V$ _& |/ M

( A- H4 E( X% }- [. C2 |  ?2 S* J" Y, x5 p! \. L% Q/ E
NX CAD 9 delivers new levels of productivity for the entire design process:- M$ O, p  D" \% f
) K$ U6 m# w' n0 ?' l

$ a+ s9 o# ~: D- K: R7 T
1 `$ t! f; q# m! L* S& b0 g
  • More efficient and interactive methods for creating and managing dimensions and annotations
  • Improved performance for display and update
  • Customizable ribbon bar for easy access to more commands with a larger graphics window
  • Streamlined workflows for specific industries
    ) G/ j" K8 q8 l0 P8 w- v% b  ?. F
上海点团信息科技有限公司,承接UG NX,CATIA,CREO,Solidworks 等CAx软件,Teamcenter,3D Experience等PLM软件,工业4.0数字化软件的实施\二次开发\培训相关业务,详情QQ 939801026 Tel 18301858168 网址

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admin 发表于 2013-11-7 07:54:59

admin 推荐

2013-11-7 07:54:59

请关注 我录制的 NX9.0新功能视频
/ x4 V% N; \  h" d+ q. {6 R8 |: u& o- u$ V5 v. h
上海点团信息科技有限公司,承接UG NX,CATIA,CREO,Solidworks 等CAx软件,Teamcenter,3D Experience等PLM软件,工业4.0数字化软件的实施\二次开发\培训相关业务,详情QQ 939801026 Tel 18301858168 网址
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