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[新功能] 【官方文档】最全的NX9.0 新功能集锦,其他的都弱爆了!


2013-11-30 20:57:04 31896 84

mildcat 发表于 2013-11-22 18:18:15 |阅读模式

mildcat 楼主

2013-11-22 18:18:15


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5 u( O( N' H1 \. z4 M5 p
: i" s* o8 A0 G3 z- t# z( {

# _; Z" T: C* X8 U0 p' i/ N9 @* \【官方文档】最全的NX9.0 新功能集锦,其他的都弱爆了!
- m. W8 f* u3 P7 u! @. M& H! ^9 T0 `" ^7 M

2 Z2 a7 V+ N3 u涵盖了所有模块!( _  }4 F" U  q+ Q
% d1 |' E" V& |) C9 |
: F3 _/ H) h) v4 Q% Z' a
9 G' j- q- v3 U* X1 H$ V& _5 A
% ~+ t- _7 o. ~, F) d5 x; a
7 x5 c0 U* R) J# b1 x. @9 K' ^

1 H! Y  G5 a$ ~  i* n, ^6 b" J3 y* D: p7 c1 i* T$ _
7 E7 \7 ?+ R5 p9 j- S9 [
    What's New in NX 90   iii ) p& b2 y3 G0 P7 P" i3 L) [
Contents 7 w8 u# Z1 ^* g; g0 X, q
Chapter 1:  Fundamentals
% m4 Z6 q$ R" V' x6 G8 K- wRibbon bar interface The NX Window (Ribbon bar)
. i) V6 W4 t/ S+ z1 \: ]Show Ribbon bar tabs and commands 7 Z9 |5 L# z7 e( W& O
Add commands to the Quick Access toolbar 8 C0 ~4 P  |" e6 d; b% v
Add commands to Border bars   [  Q2 B$ L; f+ |
Customize the Ribbon bar interface 8 {( N5 r) y, A2 P/ k8 F0 V
Add a tab and group to the Ribbon bar 4 R6 }/ f8 ^, A. L( i1 Q( y
Save Ribbon bar layouts / k, |1 O2 }! `3 q) G" E8 i
Export and import your interface layout ( t. J0 p6 Q: u, f6 l
Ray Traced Studio 8 A9 M  I, m6 c: t/ w
Issue Management enhancements 0 k$ t0 _1 ?) K, V% f
Generate support logs for IR or PR $ N$ b2 |, m$ O8 ]; q2 f
Integrated web browser enhancement ! X4 c5 C$ M  D2 q: u
View section enhancements
# u  r" Y% H2 Q/ l! a* q, ~Display facet enhancements
( `$ j* j) I* XMeasure Point . S) t0 S+ o3 b% K# N" v) F
Raster Image enhancements , E6 G- x5 M, T
Lock Rotations
! @7 O7 n0 G( ~4 y1 W, [Synchronize Views
2 e! r6 M+ l- J5 f5 T( e8 BStereo Display Visualization preference . \' _& o: c) [5 g4 q& a
CSYS tool enhancements
/ |2 Y+ L3 r; e" L/ h" f: c% \+ c" z  tEdit attributes in bulk
9 O1 i+ I  P7 [Chapter 2:  CAD ) Q8 |9 G9 ]9 c1 v
* {3 @/ _/ Z, A. i' \/ H  VSketch enhancements 8 R+ t, o* y. W) y
Sketch dimensions
! [' @( I9 y" D# s# z2D Synchronous Technology 3 `7 k+ y! m  a6 }8 }
Rigid sketch groups
1 I$ z( i- T- @0 ~8 e1 @Part Module
& B+ g0 r$ R. C+ C- mAdditional Part Module workflow
( w( ^; p* y  PShared Body enhancement
: g7 y! v7 a) D" U0 r) k1 AControlling Part Module updates
) S& h" A( `4 u0 P6 mNest and Un-nest Part Module 3 d& w* c7 O# X3 J
Save As and Part Modules # C# w. W' g0 J3 `3 b
Synchronize Links enhancement ( E8 W- ]5 L1 e% }! t# V
, O) x; A0 w4 f- o: P! C* XSnip into Patches+ t! C" L& H) ~: G& c# q/ G# H9 h1 J
* ^7 X  W2 i. p0 `: ^9 Z6 X1 }Mirror Geometry   A; R- w2 J# ?9 z) l' ^: s( B
Extract multiple bodies enhancement
( P$ z; j8 l% s$ C5 NAnalyze Pockets and Blend Pocket - d4 X3 o) i6 ^# p' d
Combine or separate tool bodies
0 M& E* L6 ?" A2 \8 c3 M) LInterrupt feature updates ( J" t* _9 k$ e5 W( ^4 n
Load Rollback Data ; r- q1 _" |. a; c. D4 ^: y
Sorting model views
; ?( K% L' m& H% i+ JSelect intersection edges in Edge Blend and Draft ) l3 Z3 ~+ u2 A! P) V6 k
Replace Edge * B8 F4 T( X& \7 ^# _9 |
iv   What's New in NX 90    3 E* l7 q# W: X. {2 t
Local Untrim and Extend % d3 `! p  ?5 M/ Z: @
RoUGh Offset enhancement
/ t: N. b) O5 F) T& {! s- ]; P7 OReplace Feature enhancements
' `$ a% ?; z1 f' U" t/ C+ EUnsew enhancements
' E+ _* H4 V9 j3 R% k3 I7 s+ SDraft enhancements + C; l8 e# P1 @
Draft Body enhancements
0 H. b9 `( U" f7 v  D9 X4 M4 lThicken enhancements
' V% U& k; L0 W* q1 XPattern enhancements
$ s1 E3 x; p$ O/ VUntrim enhancements
& e  e1 `  V, J" iDivide Face enhancements
6 `* X. N- E$ Z' E- C+ uPart Families enhancements % `: X& z/ {  K6 p$ G' ^: H6 ]2 |# H
Body selection enhancements for Boolean operations
/ U2 ^! n6 V6 u. o0 ~* i( mFace selection enhancements for Synchronous Modeling   h% a: s+ o# I1 b1 M; @2 K& [
Synchronous Modeling; P* M3 `0 s! b3 G# J  Y% |/ X' J
Move Edge 4 T; Y9 \# L! C, [5 M( q# T
Offset Edge 7 {; D- D& t- s) u& H
Delete blend faces with the Delete Face command " I* \9 ~7 y0 q7 k3 L, k" i
Label Notch Blend enhancement
& @1 y. R3 Y& Q) |. p$ WFacet Body Preparation
6 ?% k2 u% M% N, q% [) j' x" fCreate Box # K- f1 }+ R% ~, v
Snap Point enhancement
, D6 F" w0 {5 [( n8 i! |4 g. ?Extrude Facet Body + K- l: _! p9 ]$ t3 C
Extrude Profile 7 g/ t! S5 q, y$ J: e
Merge Disjoint Facet Bodies
, k; a% j' e" n% c7 _6 x: ?Merge Overlapping Facet Bodies 4 Q3 a& z4 e4 m, h& n8 U
Merge Touching Facet Bodies
8 N# r# g* D+ o% h, j: I0 CRough Offset enhancement
8 Q' d5 U/ [/ W4 bShape Studio
2 [" D+ W0 b- l% l8 r0 \: OSmooth Curve String ( ]9 t* v0 q$ A( Y* b
Section surface user interface improvements . |" |8 s* k2 \" [9 [
Highlight Lines enhancement 2 J, _- P8 P  L- m* d9 X' e* A- y
Deviation Gauge enhancements 6 n3 K- y2 Z6 y* S' V5 @% |2 F+ U
Face Analysis – Slope enhancements
7 _+ f5 a- ~* R7 o. N6 K# S  ~Concave Faces enhancements . e9 e* S. y+ b, h( S% a
Face Curvature Analysis 7 K( E7 b8 R6 g4 k4 t: Z* J
Ruled surface Developable Alignment
. b& e6 S, D* XWrap/Unwrap Curve . X! ?( g% w6 S) Q; P" @- ^8 r
Assemblies % Q, `0 Q5 I7 P
Pack all components enhancement
: Z6 {9 ?, v( [& t# |WAVE link multiple bodies enhancement+ l. m7 f8 k# F- g, t
Load Rollback Data 6 n* r2 l* y9 j7 e) Y0 t$ x' W
Assembly Clearance enhancements , m7 t" w0 f  b1 c: a
Order of components in the Assembly Navigator
/ q: {5 t# s2 c, |% n3 M- EPattern Component 7 Q0 R9 y1 ]7 H' I1 d* i1 V( A
Identification of inconsistencies between WAVE and assembly constraints ; `# r( H5 W, k: k" k/ A0 s0 C6 X
Align/Lock assembly constraint ( S' O- p2 |9 S9 F. |  n- u# z* T
Direction to Fixed column in the Constraint Navigator
* I) Y+ C" n. \/ b, T9 D5 M! kProduct interface enhancements
0 z6 u8 u! O: TAssemblies functions in SNAP
& ]7 w1 q% B/ R0 z' i/ s" c4 }Visual reports " \' b  n/ r4 X, f. X6 X
Drafting 2 q3 F- A/ R6 _* O* e3 h6 }% @8 z
Usability enhancements & b( I: r) A3 K  U6 s
Rapid Dimension ) H0 H1 J  @: g3 ?* P
Linear Dimension 7 _# [# P: ?- ~
Radial dimension
5 Z- g8 I! b& W. \Angular Dimension enhancements
$ P- t* b! ~8 l/ c* KHole Callout ( ^) C2 q1 c0 r  c+ H
Geometry margins for dimensions and annotations
# {, p. y+ b) l+ N9 ^' c# Q$ w. gAlternate Dimension Endpoints
, ^$ S2 t6 |) N  ZGeneral dimension enhancements 3 x1 u% `- N! l8 n0 O4 ]7 T
Exact and Smart Lightweight view enhancements 5 v/ P+ H! ?0 Q) p1 _- q6 c; A
Dimensioning Smart Lightweight views ' r: `) m6 O8 h  L
Viewing Direction Reference Arrows
6 }5 O; |* D- C) D  G  t9 H3 fSection line bend and end segment widths : y+ C* `8 `4 i8 U( S2 e# q
Auto balloon leader placement
# l& x& K1 Q# R1 W7 ~  Y8 }Axis Intersection symbol # }1 V7 z; ~2 a- {  w; d7 e
Surface Finish Symbol enhancements ) R" u+ _3 w0 @6 C/ L* q% u1 W
Datum leader enhancements 9 [9 g, v9 O. u6 m2 i& l( ]' \5 v6 w
Drafting symbols ; R. k) j# F8 n, }$ y
Embedded image enhancements 0 q1 n# z# ?3 d7 q) P' g) O
Hole Table
" Y, u) S8 V- fBend Table 3 t7 D6 k  b2 V+ c% W8 ]
Inherit PMI enhancements
# o! x) N6 ~7 h3 U  S+ l1 OCrosshatch enhancements # m. ~  G0 e8 n5 I: Q
Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI) ; S+ m. V  t# B# Y: ~1 X
Usability enhancements
1 [& k+ ^  t- c0 vRapid Dimension
" k; x9 J6 r$ M: v# Y/ c, T( GLinear Dimension
$ l# ]; }/ ?1 s+ x$ uRadial dimension
7 _) r3 b3 w. A; qAngular Dimension enhancements
5 W. n+ t5 l1 t0 OHole Callout   s1 O- [4 z3 y$ M- [
Geometry margins for dimensions and annotations " a4 L( o- s( I( e* f
Alternate Dimension Endpoints ; z+ \; K* J1 b/ a& q# X/ V
General dimension enhancements
. d, E+ G- x; z7 ~6 M7 d2 m3 n* x4 HLightweight section view enhancements
- B: k- a  e  N' aSurface Finish enhancements
* L1 s5 X( \, bInherit PMI enhancements
& W5 x. n# a: p( c! ^Region enhancement ) G1 C) ~: f3 w9 _) v% B& b
Sorting model views
' P8 O  J$ o* U% O5 k4 RDatum leader enhancements
' y: K" ^, X0 W8 pDrafting symbols
  j3 p5 N0 A2 V6 g+ o* XAxis Intersection symbol 2 v5 d) U& u: A; h  }: ^5 `
PMI Feature Identification business modifier
6 P6 l) E7 p9 d& z: \  QUpdate PMI tracking properties - K/ i: v8 T( b! o" W5 ~6 w* R
Sheet Metal ( N# W* l7 Y  [: p. {& M
Bend Table
4 }; y( |" S: F& {( j& PUnbend and Rebend enhancements 8 B- f8 d# o0 M  A3 v5 ^, Y+ h- U
Resize Bend Radius enhancements * n7 j( n6 W% x  N7 b
vi   What's New in NX 90   
9 o7 `- l9 n* O) b. OMirror Feature enhancements 5 r( w# Z6 q! f$ E1 ^
Unite in Sheet Metal ) k! N: e- X5 @6 n, m$ L$ B
Three Bend Corner enhancements
4 }/ M3 f2 _# ^! D9 ~Mirror Body enhancements ' K/ ^3 c* T( l7 ~$ G0 |
Preferences for flat pattern views
$ i" h7 ?3 X- L7 ^Flat Pattern enhancements
8 z. F6 O' l% p3 T% z" \) ]; R, SPattern Face * T) h# n# t4 {& E
Flexible Printed Circuit Design
3 n4 p: [) V: ~$ S. uWrap * C6 y" d! Q0 c& I6 E
Flexible Printed Circuit Design enhancements
' |: S' ^' c0 B0 [Pattern Face
4 U- v0 B* T& e6 ]Data Reuse . L' D4 T/ o; t2 J% f
Double-clicking folders and reusable objects
5 }- }( k! d; ~Creating shortcut folders for your reuse library
, u! W, L% [+ Y% t) v5 k$ HReuse library undo and redo
. B* }" n9 M* @Creating an index in the reuse library
: C; P( s  j- @; KMapping reuse library names
" L+ _( [, K1 @. yReusable object feature name
% P. ]/ u. j- i) l, n' g/ @Reusable object part definition . ?# y1 M) o+ a. x
Creating feature component patterns with reusable objects ( I1 l8 S$ Q; N2 B
Managing knowledge enabled components in Teamcenter 2 d& v+ x+ f' y7 o2 K
Reusable component revision rules in Teamcenter 2 O5 E) u: D- r* E/ j
Adding files as datasets to reusable objects and reusable components in Teamcenter 7 K: a! {$ H3 C% R5 k2 ]* h
Part family-related enhancements to Product Template Studio
" c7 B4 Q' q6 H- D" {+ hRouting
0 y8 F5 `$ D. _, M! KConfiguring Routing applications % x& h6 K# K5 q: G' _5 Z  m
Common Routing tools
' L" D( p0 G5 y5 i6 ERouting Electrical 4 z7 c6 `) b4 a: P5 u
Routing Mechanical 4 ?  v5 p  c  x1 q
6 w+ h( }  `. m9 pShipbuilding
: o1 [; J1 P. N5 r7 A+ ]# ZKnuckled plates
/ c  @& d* L: y: w8 k: z$ QKnuckled profile systems0 h, X, u# E/ U5 g
Knuckled profiles 6 U9 f3 X3 X1 S
Create stiffeners between supports   _0 l; i. ?# b8 h3 a- \# L/ F
Control profile orientations 0 j/ k" T4 V- ?& M0 C
Built-up profiles % R$ R9 ^8 b- Y& z
Create stiffeners on plates with multiple thicknesses 7 h- F; k1 K3 i9 F9 t4 u
Create standard parts on plates with multiple thicknesses
3 ^& N, h! f7 ^$ c- B4 QSplit standard parts in the basic design
: U" N) N- D) RSplit standard parts and built-up profiles in the detailed design - f2 Y( C" R) S3 s2 A; B6 v
Profile Transition * H* Y! u; j2 C* U: m$ L
End Cut enhancements8 p) l% V4 D) q# M. K8 X& m
Profile Cutout enhancements
! Q& ]" l) f. r- BCollar plate enhancement
3 s, ^* h8 C. H0 U, O( qExamine Steel Features * _7 {' D) Z0 p
Paint Parameters ' v( O5 \& X2 ?6 V- b' L4 {# i4 X$ v2 K
Vehicle Design
1 M: F6 O$ B# WVehicle loading input to vision tools 5 o6 y! E) ?$ _9 ^  }4 D9 p, I# ^
Vehicle Packaging Validation
1 ?; l; @) _* F5 G, F" Y  MHead Impact % F1 n8 g5 C3 H& }2 I  O# m9 `
Pedestrian Protection enhancements ; T8 w' }% R7 [" N6 ~7 n
Eyellipse enhancements ( T5 K2 ^3 u: [0 `" r/ D) {* u
2D Manikin enhancements
# F: f* [- e8 g; l4 ^Seat Lines enhancements 1 ~+ m- b6 R- k; _6 ~( o
Hand Reach enhancements   B: u9 s, }+ u$ C! q# g
Direct Field of View enhancements
0 Z. K; C' A$ m+ D% FInstrument Panel Visibility enhancements
' o! P6 g* e% R1 ?/ X9 A: ?Windshield Vision Zones enhancements 1 Z# A, o% e' k8 A
Mirror Certification enhancements
. \% j1 u4 m3 |/ ?: j& iPCB Exchange
* `4 l4 T& E* O% K# j7 R) ]User interface enhancements in PCB Exchange
) {, }8 }% l& J6 X8 `IDX collaboration commands
  B4 k/ t/ |6 T7 KIDX support enhancements
0 Q" k$ I* Q, W6 M' R" R# BCopper Area
# I5 b# e0 ]# V$ p* a" Y9 RComparison of ECAD and MCAD primary pin locations % q& q0 I' M/ b3 q% w
Show Test Points - V, U: N0 P: N+ Z$ c. ]% E2 u. M
Chapter 3:  CAM ! G; d6 D8 Y4 w5 K- ?
CAM general $ R  J' o$ @/ N  H  u- q
Notes in Manufacturing 6 s5 X& X5 R/ K) `$ x7 G- y
Descriptions in Manufacturing * y+ `1 t$ y0 F$ p4 z
Displaying visible and hidden geometry + C$ a5 P0 ?7 G- {$ i- O7 @
Boundary selection enhancements
' J, l0 |4 _8 J) P( B" R" lBoundary selection display and gap closing
7 Q% n0 c5 e% W$ y0 Q$ N  wPasting operations with reference
+ X6 u. ]" B) c# y  Q8 NShow Thickness by Color enhancements % n8 Z& {) O, I; I% X
Set Machining Data enhancements
3 z0 z# P( F- n, c: O* TFlute length for drills ( I" ^8 E) j) L6 Y6 o* x
Milling enhancements
4 Z! |% |9 s* |' }Machining with a T-Cutter ! V7 n) F' b3 u8 @7 B6 y+ N
Machining cylindrical parts $ W( |# C3 }5 l6 A2 W3 p
Tilt Tool Axis enhancements 6 ]+ P# v% F# ^
Area Milling enhancements 1 f6 y% [$ C+ m" E7 o
Divide By Holder 8 _6 Y2 a1 ^" y
Contact data output for Hole Milling and Thread Milling : k1 V" R" q! m" Y
Cut area selection by edge-bounded region
$ f1 w' `) Q: }% i1 uSafer engage and retract moves for Zlevel operations
: C7 p' }% X) gSmooth noncutting motions in contouring and flowcut operations
9 ^, B( {3 \0 QImproving 3D IPW efficiency in Cavity Milling - y$ u  C4 d' D9 \. J. S1 M. A
Multi Blade milling for turbomachinery
5 m( G9 d5 b$ I6 x% pHole machining 0 |: G, P. \! L# @
New manual drilling operations
0 w# U- W; w- K4 z- R4 d0 @; Y$ BHole machining workflow using a feature group geometry parent , A% r- n3 V. W0 q0 G& Q% p8 [
Machining feature groups , B( g: ]! R! K2 Z
In-process features ' ~# z& c- U4 r) Y7 B/ G( T
Visualizing in-process features , A' f4 e/ W0 M0 k8 c
In-process workpiece options to control the in-process feature 2 q0 s% u) Q* E
viii   What's New in NX 90    6 ?8 H5 ?# v0 K7 T
Feature machining areas " _* m! s' W& C: k6 r
Drill tip point length 8 D& i. I! }( s+ g; w" R
Core Drill # S; H3 O* e. B% k' ^) d0 s
Probing / {5 a, u; f0 h
Probing6 O. |) e" z7 J+ R& \9 _  r
Turning enhancements
; `4 Z9 d- F, ^& ~( b6 a8 WCenterline Drilling depth enhancement & b! E% v+ L  O4 G1 }$ h7 p
Turning non cutting moves enhancements* g; s& v0 d% W' a1 W2 r
Parting off operation
! |% q3 S, b" x( _) l( hThreading non cutting moves enhancements
1 M  ]4 O3 k) ~+ _$ \$ _Integrated simulation and verification — ISV 6 V# p, R9 i/ T( D
Displaying axis positions and limits
8 y1 i: T" p7 d+ i& F' O; w1 }Positioning simulated machine tools and cutters   ?6 i$ I, z4 e; b+ Q( h( o) U7 x
Tool path display for external file simulation : {7 y1 E- b9 p. [& ~
Simulating all channels in external files   H! z& Q0 I6 \$ g
Simulating synchronized operations
! e) t4 H) g- l. D% d, Z/ Y& \Viewing a tool contact representation " h0 {3 p9 C6 T5 k9 q: a
Configurable parser for NC Controllers
9 _8 V5 J  f7 [Kinematic chains for simulating complex machine tools
0 H/ v  m( s7 T* ^8 N8 h& t- MSuppress Status line update
! Y  B3 q' @* ^9 iIPW color mapping to tools or operations
& F6 {6 h/ `" @! _$ e5 {Regenerating a saved IPW 1 U6 E0 N0 D+ _) y& B: m" T
Gouge Check enhancements * S- r" D% S2 o
Sinumerik Collision Avoidance ; Z4 h# r$ E9 g4 R& n! C, _4 i4 S
Simulation and postprocessor examples
) \9 {1 N; K/ s( P7 G) RFlute length for drills
  z( ^8 E% Q! E# w+ ANX Post " c, A7 O7 t' _
Adding CAM attributes for shop documentation in the post
! |: f) a; u& B$ Y& kPost Builder 1 ~2 H" B5 Q, m6 e3 t
New Tcl commands in Post Builder ' V8 |* w2 t* Q8 L: M3 a
Simulation and postprocessor examples
$ n  M6 d) T' F* y0 Y4 T9 s, [Feature-based Machining ; q4 r' a/ g0 ]$ C8 T1 y4 u4 P
Feature machining areas
& g; A( `7 }4 h/ ^Machining feature groups / [# T9 w% J$ W/ `  c- B/ p/ b2 b
In-process features   K6 D* h/ }/ E* E
Visualizing in-process features 0 i5 r6 s5 U$ r. [
In-process workpiece options to control the in-process feature
  F4 g6 J8 G+ Q; J( lWire EDM 4 N: H  y7 s* u: ?' R
Wire EDM tool and guide
3 g. _5 y! e  [6 u; b0 IChapter 4:  CAE
$ c1 N* R9 H- X, l0 A% ~) _# fAdvanced Simulation 6 [) g5 x: x4 V  p
Solver version support 9 {1 h8 B, ]) |& I
General capabilities $ X* W, A& I' w: f  v8 l5 V6 u0 V
6 h7 c# ?9 D- Y1 Y8 x7 I& ]! F7 l6 kMaterials ( `+ z) B3 Z/ c9 u+ H3 {- N
# i3 Z2 N$ O, a1 g0 l& aBoundary conditions / o6 ^. p" y5 q9 q8 u! Z8 B: J
Solutions   F' S, V! z+ m  v5 }6 A) j1 j
Nastran support enhancements ' o; i. D8 |. c2 a8 v
Abaqus support enhancements 7 e5 v# [- M3 z" E4 n" H. W6 y
ANSYS support enhancements % ?$ E# o" @& l" ^& f3 S
LS-DYNA support enhancements 9 w$ {& A8 S) h* T/ K# T$ G& d, H& a
Optimization . S" [, `  O9 D) u: ~& N
Post-processing / N* t+ h$ k' S% s3 Z: ]" W
Durability 4 d2 f8 g$ z# {: B
NX Laminate Composites
$ s! w8 U  B! d2 uNX Thermal and Flow, Electronic Systems Cooling, and Space Systems Thermal - ]" K3 Z( {, L' |/ g
NX FE Model Correlation 0 R% l7 `: {; x+ f$ ]& w0 @
Teamcenter Integration for Simulation 8 Y) Z7 Y6 o% \; Z! h& p" v0 [
Design Simulation ! J9 h4 S0 A' l0 V( F
Boundary conditions
2 V$ f- }8 [0 Z) x! C4 hMeshing 7 U- ^4 t' [1 Y- N9 r9 Y
Motion Simulation , ]; h0 S1 t' z& g6 v% B
Interactive articulation methods
' U, Z( i) F. O; I5 d! F" P0 UJoint limits in articulation $ q' X6 I) V% U  Y
Animation enhancements
8 ~7 [1 D* _2 y+ E* cSpreadsheet Run enhancements , x( t" M3 j6 B" e9 f6 j
Motion Preferences enhancements # N4 I' |, f1 I8 a) S9 _7 f' l1 o/ `& C
Functions and Graphing
- Z. O' L" ]# t2 sInverse option for Function Single Math command
0 M* E/ P) ]. r$ w  ?Plotting a graph in a separate window 5 R& E3 r' O+ \) L! z* n) s
Improved font support in graphs . F; [3 I) S+ |. ?6 g
Plotting a graph with no line
, G6 _# f$ w/ m; L8 lSaving graph data to an AFU file 6 E7 c# f9 i8 m( u- E' `
Expanded complex plot support) T6 u, j" \7 o; c2 H- b& B
Chapter 5:  Teamcenter Integration for NX ! \2 b' v. D7 @& V' S  W( M
Teamcenter Integration for NX 4 s) F" Y  D9 g6 u5 ]
Define and load configuration contexts . S* t! S9 B9 `! r; D
Run NX in a Teamcenter multifield key environment . b# D! C" d' ]" ^+ I
Independent drawings added to export and clone
2 u" O- i) R. t; y/ \Save As enhanced " O8 g/ R. M8 L9 c9 {
Retaining absolute occurrences when saving moved components
3 S. ]+ y# |- h) I' jOpening a component with a different revision rule than the assembly
+ C) K+ B$ ?% qViewing results and default filtering for projects
  E. |% V6 ]) e  Z2 \Adding independent drawings and CAE parts in the ug_clone utility 3 D5 Z1 A/ L7 D; p) I: Q" {
Refile utility enhancement in Teamcenter
8 W  t* F5 N4 a6 fItem-based publishing of welds and datums to Teamcenter 7 u7 y* E) U  x+ `& N1 l
Chapter 6:  4th Generation Design (4GD) ) U; L: P# \. y# p& L2 S
Introducing 4GD 7 N1 k5 Y% h/ i, s7 z- U7 R
4GD enhancements 9 L: i* H4 X: F9 u& U4 g. O; b
Design element enhancements
0 s' M- i* _' I$ h4 ~Creating multiple design elements 4 C; _/ g8 s7 z' \0 h$ y! H
Converting design elements 8 k; T, q: @& j* s7 y$ H- I2 p& B
Create Reusable Design 3 x+ `  Y/ h& G* b0 @, n+ c
Presented parents
! M& j; a* C% X+ V+ ]. r' [Partition views for subsets
% S. x2 k2 j3 W5 _# gx   What's New in NX 90    7 L9 c1 |# H6 P. J
Subset structure views 8 s  Q$ L% S- G% s. S
Adding connecting welds to a subset ' H3 T# b; f% c7 g7 I# ^
Mirroring a design element + t" v& A# J# y, @5 \& a
Load attribute groups for design elements
7 a, ]5 Z( V0 v8 W; K7 nEffectivity and variant options added to subset creation / c7 J1 A4 R) z7 E, n* M3 v0 i
Edit attributes in bulk 4 j! C, D4 C& E. k% ~4 l
Show Collaborative Design Preview 5 U% F; w9 I& h2 P1 k, |
Design features 2 L! b3 p) E8 M- a! ]0 S3 {
Check in and check out enhancements , v, U% o2 `; S% E
Generating collaborative designs from existing structures   g# J# `) A: R+ E# i: s: Q
Check-Mate in 4GD / ^- J: w0 K. R0 g: S
Issue Management in 4GD
! u$ w2 U' V$ L5 J( T8 }/ rChapter 7:  Inspection and validation " d2 U8 Z6 u" K  n7 @! L
) D6 l$ R+ n$ Y1 JCheck-Mate checkers and functions
0 I9 n' \# I. V; y0 f+ LCheck-Mate profiles
9 G# V2 {: W. ^6 K6 BCMM Inspection Programming # i# \- ^/ b" J/ ?
General enhancements 6 }- J% d5 x0 b, N& a: u' J3 C7 |
Expanded CMM libraries
, Q+ v- \4 e8 S1 z3 P. [% LOffset distance for 2D features
. u" |$ G( Y' k1 vNew inspection feature type: Edge Point 2 q  B/ A9 L7 o6 x1 t% H
Set PCS to CADABS alignment type 4 a: V9 k$ S0 ]9 H* u
New inspection command types
; V. w$ ]* _/ O# l+ lSupport for cylindrical probes
( u+ T4 g- S1 Y/ y0 Z, OResequencing of inspection paths 2 H. b3 g  b. j* x! C" v4 a
Auto-ordering of tolerances in the Inspection Navigator 7 a% j9 H9 z) q6 B: ^& z6 ]: ^
* @4 f- |2 d* ]( m& _Measure an inspection feature relative to another feature* j1 Z" p) H2 T: {2 f, p
Requirements Validation
4 i* {8 ^- L/ G, n4 X! @. R4 wUnits in the HD3D Requirements Validation tool
( P' c6 \' }: _5 V; m* qChapter 8:  Tooling Design # G) q* I4 k3 @
CAM Data Preparation
3 [2 {. u& z0 y4 @; T+ R3D Curve Offset
# e$ j) {5 i+ O6 ?* E3D Curve Blend 4 e; ?$ K7 S6 p! ^
Match Surface
; o9 M& u3 Z% tReduce Surface Radius
2 {% {7 y) P9 a; r3 P$ p: NGuided Extension
' }/ I$ T! A6 B! X' Q5 S3 Q  ~9 T0 WTooling shared functions
- R5 R$ A( K1 c4 |0 ?8 k, zDie Analysis using LS-DYNA % U! Q& y4 B9 [1 s5 o# a8 U
Object Attribute Management
) I# D1 k, P* w& E/ }Face Color Management & w4 L8 k$ ~! Q+ T& q: G
Hole Manufacturing Note
4 ]7 p6 b/ V- i$ j3 b- JRestore Tooling Application
# z$ F  x8 `3 h; d) a9 x' lMold Wizard
$ a+ e: [# H& u2 x! w' _0 TMold Base Library enhancements
, M5 [! ]! L# u3 P, n9 @4 sWorkpiece enhancements ' z0 [8 L) V* }& X
Ejector Pin Table
$ b) A2 B2 `5 N1 L: w$ q( pWeld Assistant
2 R/ B! c& _0 J, a+ u3 D, S1 R. }Fabrication Information
2 V& L5 A: B7 C/ P( F1 eJoint Mark ' L# @7 C6 ?7 ~+ N& \$ m3 ^$ E" ?
Export CSV File enhancements
( g5 U% e! D$ Y& |, d) g2 YImport CSV File enhancement
7 `; _, T; ]) H+ ~* m, U3 aGroove Weld enhancements : g+ t' X5 u3 g5 M0 G8 a
Datum Surface Locator and Datum Pin Locator enhancements 4 k. ^5 R: m9 u, f! w; C
Using weld and datum information obtained from Teamcenter
7 w& N9 l9 d$ P" Y+ P% a8 Q' ^$ K/ wItem-based publishing of welds and datums to Teamcenter
: o1 q" `' P1 E4 BConnected Face Finder enhancements / L8 q) x1 n. ^& o* h) C! d
Compound Weld enhancements
) N( X3 E! n9 f% X" N7 A5 v/ ^Structure Welding
7 p, ^! Q! s6 ^3 f% Y; LFabrication PMI
9 B3 n+ l% ]5 P4 N$ O: E, USurface Weld
/ @7 N7 L( g  DWelding Joint enhancements $ N6 L6 k$ W3 t; [
Edit Joint Definition enhancement+ J. |' @4 w: N0 j  F$ Z4 ?& y/ o* L
Edge Attribute Title welding customer default
9 w4 [, W9 ^6 ]: VExport Welding Joints enhancement
" G9 j8 ~) J1 h2 l! Q; BItem-based publishing of welds and datums to Teamcenter . D; Y% G) x# c' a4 r1 Y
Die Design
. @5 @5 H* `$ E$ ]& z9 BLower Binder
" D+ F# Z( _2 B) O. X, C' `Trim Post 9 v0 u6 \# }; |! |+ d
Draw Punch and Draw Die enhancements & a5 K% d  W% g& q+ P3 \5 x
Assigning colors to die faces
' w) {  {6 |" QDie Engineering 9 d8 E0 q- L) v$ H: ^! Y7 L: i; \
Die Analysis using LS-DYNA 3 F3 b4 S5 @6 _0 o" a( d
Trim Angle Check enhancements
: _( c8 b  P8 g" f2 MStamping Operation enhancement - w7 {# Q8 n" z: D
Die Tip enhancement
4 t) a3 m' p; h! w/ \  ]) NChapter 9:  Data translation
, e/ C) j1 v4 e$ X6 c7 e. }5 @( v( VExporting editable dimensions to DXF/DWG file   q/ u6 y% M" y% R; e) V
Controlling text aspect ratio for the text imported from DXF/DWG file
6 J+ r6 m6 U: W, C2 S5 kSupported DXF/DWG versions 5 r" u4 z3 g+ o, ^0 x+ f8 ]
STEP translator enhancements
2 R, {  z6 s$ {2 R) cNX to JT 2 R' H7 J! ?8 v2 U
JT version 10 files
: I8 S9 K& e0 s7 g# M0 x# g' @Display order of model views and PMIs in JT files 8 G; h9 \- i3 M* L( B8 V! K
JT support for object visibility in model views 1 g& Y4 ^$ X" w& Q1 t8 p
PMI lightweight section views enhancements in JT files 8 T( K& c$ G3 K* O
JT support for weld Joint Mark feature ) j+ g1 b4 Z7 J2 z
JT support for hole and thread callout PMI 9 w$ N& S" }1 }" ]7 u( p' i
Geometry Sharing in JT files # M" Q$ F- n/ r. g+ m; J  d
JT support for business modifiers and PMI attributes
& ~5 H# ~+ p/ M2 rVisibility of datum entities in model views of JT files
! Z0 R0 f+ L: VJT support for PMI association with objects
7 M$ n& c. z9 J2 {* Q3 S+ R  |Chapter 10:  Mechatronics Concept Designer
3 z* n4 J% Z- Q) U; L7 v' FCollision Body enhancements
3 Q: q9 s; I5 W$ @  O5 m6 rActuator enhancements
  w5 z$ x% m: l, \xii   What's New in NX 90   
$ d  A9 J+ N1 \1 s- i, y& }7 y. vCam enhancements & n4 M7 o. A1 |: O$ a
Operation enhancements
$ A  J/ ^) A$ f/ R8 GChanging units in dialog boxes
5 ^7 f7 j$ k- I( X9 tMechatronics Concept Designer preferences
) {' ]7 f; e  j6 gCreate dependencies 1 e: m9 C$ n! a2 }* m1 J# D) W
System Navigator enhancements
2 C+ j8 R$ x5 x, Y' O) s4 x. N" `Creating physics containers
4 C: i2 v) t( S/ F% X2 KECAD integration enhancements
: a4 a9 S2 \  N! E, ISimulating NC code
$ L* j& |+ ^0 K( W" g; ~% h8 yConvert from MTB
# _0 c- E* z. O  u9 [8 g# s( RShared memory signal mapping
) N  q" ?% ~  {/ eSCOUT Integration / \" N& @1 s" P$ n1 ^
SIZER Integration
8 g8 `* M6 P6 F; L( H% T7 gChapter 11:  Programming Tools 2 l' x8 O# {: `" ]5 M- n% I
Assemblies functions in SNAP
* C: v+ i' n9 x5 Q' I% qBlock UI Styler7 |$ U6 U5 ~- z
New properties for blocks 5 `/ {4 q$ Z& q. ]
Changing a displayed part, Q4 v$ ~# a- b& V" K( E5 Y
Explorer block
$ s4 a5 m: [) m3 e7 Y7 t% _Chapter 12:  What's New in NX 851 8 |/ c6 m3 W  m
Modeling 8 G8 f: I0 r. u6 f" i# c: o
User Defined Feature callback hooks for NX Open API libraries
4 R6 ?9 `% \  aPreserve the relative order of Feature Groups 5 U+ Y, B( u# z( }4 b* A: C
U/V Direction + Y' p+ ~! ?! A
Studio Surface enhancements — Split faces along boundary curves + T0 H6 p' V4 A  v
! K* x3 v/ K( y& n  IFind PMI Associated to Geometry enhancements
5 s' e3 a; S" XPMI Effectivity Management  741
$ _6 q) `" z! S$ VRouting  742
& [: z# p# k" `7 _; e5 a$ c0 H+ iWind Catcher  742 9 E6 U6 h3 U, k' N4 e- l
Branch Path Numbering 744 , V6 V. `6 l2 F* P' V6 e
Platform Creator  745 1 a' f- x8 H, M6 q+ R6 R$ T9 h
Shipbuilding  747
- E5 A7 S* O( H% f! ~' kAssign manufacturing information to openings  747
, G2 c# B0 {4 v" y2 a( }Specify section subtypes for steel features  749
! J- L6 ]  m& j7 D$ ^/ ]# n, lManufacturing  750
2 h8 z9 H" E. P3 ~* M$ }1 i' jOperation Navigator enhancements  750 ! k6 R; a+ q% r3 _- y1 c1 f* t
Advanced Simulation  751 3 I" v0 B' M/ b
Solver version support  751 # G1 Q1 e, @1 t6 g
NX Laminate Composites  758
, z. s7 h1 W6 D- ~  Y( l  a- NDurability  763
0 ?; I8 l! Y# x/ ?8 \2 {Teamcenter Integration for NX  764
2 D: Z( @% Y. B. \" I6 `NX Relations Browser enhancements  764 $ L5 d3 c7 S( K" M
Select Configuration Context when loading assemblies  766 % ?1 {/ x5 F! {$ i* D, p
Default project selection  768
! \& X" l& [, U* M% y1 ~CMM Inspection Programming  769 6 n) a0 k, V9 l* L
CMM measurement analysis engine  769 # y3 W; t) @9 I9 D9 }% j
Export analysis results  771 DMIS programming enhancement  772 + f+ R. B$ p# q( ]: W6 z; }
Data translation  774
) x5 M# R, i; W" d) y" NAutoCAD DXF/DWG Import Wizard dialog box enhancement  774 ; J' b5 E+ g- D' W9 y
JT support for PMI association with objects  775 ) I# S0 p* P/ R) @$ `
Mechatronics Concept Designer 776 1 B% G1 B* l) j3 D0 }
Import from ECAD enhancements  776 7 ]- }- W! R' m  C% v# j6 V; n
$ l5 o0 T, x2 }! v

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文旦 发表于 2013-11-23 20:02:10

文旦 板凳

2013-11-23 20:02:10

" J' t* Z9 `" ?) G
上海点团信息科技有限公司,承接UG NX,CATIA,CREO,Solidworks 等CAx软件,Teamcenter,3D Experience等PLM软件,工业4.0数字化软件的实施\二次开发\培训相关业务,详情QQ 939801026 Tel 18301858168 网址
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笑看人生 发表于 2013-11-25 10:20:22

笑看人生 5#

2013-11-25 10:20:22

谢谢分享 ,,看看。。。。
上海点团信息科技有限公司,承接UG NX,CATIA,CREO,Solidworks 等CAx软件,Teamcenter,3D Experience等PLM软件,工业4.0数字化软件的实施\二次开发\培训相关业务,详情QQ 939801026 Tel 18301858168 网址
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尘归尘、土归土. 发表于 2013-11-25 14:11:18

尘归尘、土归土. 6#

2013-11-25 14:11:18

上海点团信息科技有限公司,承接UG NX,CATIA,CREO,Solidworks 等CAx软件,Teamcenter,3D Experience等PLM软件,工业4.0数字化软件的实施\二次开发\培训相关业务,详情QQ 939801026 Tel 18301858168 网址
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沫子 发表于 2013-11-28 20:33:15

沫子 7#

2013-11-28 20:33:15

上海点团信息科技有限公司,承接UG NX,CATIA,CREO,Solidworks 等CAx软件,Teamcenter,3D Experience等PLM软件,工业4.0数字化软件的实施\二次开发\培训相关业务,详情QQ 939801026 Tel 18301858168 网址
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优质型男REN 发表于 2013-11-29 17:02:21

优质型男REN 8#

2013-11-29 17:02:21

上海点团信息科技有限公司,承接UG NX,CATIA,CREO,Solidworks 等CAx软件,Teamcenter,3D Experience等PLM软件,工业4.0数字化软件的实施\二次开发\培训相关业务,详情QQ 939801026 Tel 18301858168 网址
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淡定 发表于 2013-11-29 22:23:49

淡定 9#

2013-11-29 22:23:49

上海点团信息科技有限公司,承接UG NX,CATIA,CREO,Solidworks 等CAx软件,Teamcenter,3D Experience等PLM软件,工业4.0数字化软件的实施\二次开发\培训相关业务,详情QQ 939801026 Tel 18301858168 网址
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